2 NEW live Zoom workshops.

One of my favourite pieces of painted and distressed Tyvek - Ever!
 Is it odd to have a favourite sample of Tyvek? 
Tyvek is one of my favourite products. Having taught all my heat processes for so many years, I thought I had probably taught most of the people who were interested. Apparently not! My first book, Hot Textiles seems to be having a bit of a revival, and with that comes new interest. So, in response to all the emails and messages I have received asking how do I work with Tyvek - I have written 2 new workshops. How to enrol and all the details are at the end of this post.
All the samples in this blog post have been made by students on previous workshops with me. Some are from as back as the early 2000's.

The first one will be Workshop 4 - Raising the Surface. You may have noticed that I LOVE working with painted Bondaweb. You can create some fantastic effects by adding transfer foil or gilding flake. But as you need to iron Bondaweb, your work is always flat. Adding strips or section of distressed Tyvek that is painted the same colour as the Bondaweb can add texture and height, with out screaming 'this is Tyvek'.
You never get the same effect twice when you heat Tyvek.
Bondaweb is a wonderful product. It is great for applique and sewing and dressmaking projects. However, I love to paint it. Once you paint Bondaweb it is not washable. When painted with watered down paint and left to dry, the rippling occurs.
Painted Bondaweb.

 Once the Bondaweb is dry, it can be ironed onto fabric, wood, anything that is flat and dry. Not plastic or glass. When the Bondaweb is cold you can peel the backing paper off and the fun begins. You can add transfer foil, gilding flake, dried flowers, glitter, threads . . .
Painted Bondaweb decorated with gold transfer foil, glitter threads and gilding flake.

You don't need to do a lot to painted Bondaweb, it is quite beautiful as it is. This sample has been decorated with 2 swipes of copper transfer foil.
Painted Bondaweb decorated with copper lame fabric.

 Painted Bondaweb decorated with silver transfer foil and polyester organza.
Once you have played with the painted Bondaweb, it is time to play withe the Tyvek additions.

 Painted Bondaweb decorated with gilding flake and sequined fabric. Adorned with a rough spiral of heat distressed Tyvek. Ready for stitich.
2 strips of textured Tyvek painted in similar colours to the Bondaweb background, stitched down with a toning thread.
 We wont just use Tyvek for texture, crisp packets and ice cream wrapper will also react to heat. Magnum ice cream wrappers are my favourite.
Painted Bondaweb, decorated with gilding flake, newspaper strips and textured Tyvek strips.
Tyvek has been painted with the same paint as the Bondaweb. You can still see the Tyvek, it's just more subtle when you use toning colours.
 If you fancy working with painted Bondaweb and Tyvek - then workshop 4 is for you.
Next comes Workshop 5 - Tinkering with Tyvek! Working with the 2 types of Tyvek and a bit of polyester organza we will layer up Tyvek, make beads, make bowls, corsages and generally have great fun. A heat gun and sewing machine will be essential for this workshop.
3 layers of heavy paper Tyvek layered with polyester organza, machine stitched together and then zapped with a heat gun.
Tyvek beads.
Cellophane reacts to heat in the same way as Tyvek. This is one of my bowls, you may have seen it in Hot Textiles.

This bowl has been made from Tyvek and polyester organza.

A fabulous collection of corsages.

I just love this Tyvek and polyester organza corsage. The colours work so well together.

This is one of my favourite pieces of a students work. It was made a few years ago on a residential workshop in Australia. The student (Kim, as it happens) had such fun with the process of working with the Tyvek. Her samples turned into crazy birds.


To enrol on a workshop,
Send me an email with workshop in the subject.
Let me know which workshop(s) you are interested in - 3, 4 or 5.  

Along with a phone number. I will send you a PayPal invoice. 

Once this is paid - you will be on the workshop and I will send you the materials list.

All workshops are in Greenwich Mean Time

Workshop 3 – Create Original Designs and Making Printing Blocks  €65
Saturday 24th April 10.00 am – 4pm, 1 hour lunch  4 places left
Workshop 3 - Catch Up and Show and Tell
Saturday 8th May 10.30 – 12.30

The most important part of teaching for me, is to encourage students to create original work. This workshop is brilliant for those of you who want to create your own designs and then create your own printing blocks. We will work with an inspiration of your choice. If you have done the 'Journey' exercise with me, you could use that. The materials list will give you some ideas if not. You should finish this class with 2 pairs of printing blocks ready to print and maybe stitch for your show and tell.
To give you an idea of what we will be doing - have a look at this post on my blog



Workshop 4 - Raising the Surface for Stitch €65

Friday May 28th 10am – 4pm 


Workshop 4 Catch Up and Show and Tell 

Friday 11th June 10.30am – 12.30pm

Working with Bondaweb and Tyvek, along with other ways to create texture, you will develop some great raised surfaces to stitch over and across. By hand or machine. We will work on layering up the samples during the workshop. You will be able to stitch and develop more samples in the 2 weeks up to the Show and Tell. Tyvek is a fabulous product for creating interesting textures, but needs to be blended into your work by using toning colours and incorporating stitch.



Workshop 5 –Tinkering with Tyvek €65

Friday June 25th – 10am – 4pm


Workshop 5 - Catch Up and Show and Tell

Friday July 9th 10.30am – 12.30pm


A day of fun and experimentation with the wonderful material known as ‘TYVEK’.

(Also known as ‘fibrefilm’ & fibretex’).

We will be painting and stitching, incorporating polyester organza with this wonderful medium then heating it with various tools to create fascinating textures, bowls, vessels or sculptural forms. You will need a sewing machine for the workshop.

To give you an idea of what we will be doing - have a look at this post on my blog


If you have any questions about any of the workshops - do drop me a line.



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