Drawing and painting the ExTex still life.

A 'squidgey' print taken from the left over paint from painting the colour wheel. I have just about finished clearing up from filming the 3rd and 4th weekends of Experimental Textiles Online. The 3rd weekend looks at colour and the 4th weekend is the still life. Students will be encouraged to build their own still life - or they can paint and draw from images of mine. I find a large scale still life is less frightening than the usual bowl of fruit. The idea is to look at shapes, lines and positive and negative space. It is not a competition to see who is the best artist. Few of us can paint and draw really well, but we can try, and the more you practice, the better you get. Jayne has a new clapper board to help her with editing the videos. We filmed the colour wheel on Saturday and the still life on Sunday. I use paper plates as palettes. When I was teaching Experimental Textiles at various colleges I always used a few of the sam...