Sussex Quilters - Tinkering with Tyvek workshop 5th June

A stunning corsage - one of the best I have seen on a workshop.
 I had a great day today teaching at Southwick Community Centre for the Sussex Quilters. The workshop was 'Tinkering with Tyvek'. As usual for my workshops this was a process based day. I think it is important to know what the the materials will do before you can decide to make anything.

First thing, we spent an hour painting both sides of several sheets of A4  heavy Tyvek and fabric weight Tyvek. Dull but necessary, it is very important not to paint the Tyvek with thick paint. If you do, the paint will form a barrier and the Tyvek won't react to heat.
We then had a play with ironing Tyvek shapes between baking parchment, learning the 'Kiss, Stroke and Caress' way of lightly heating the Tyvek till it shrinks and puckers.

We then moved on to layering 4 sheets of A4 Tyvek with polyester organza and machine stitching them together ready for zapping back - a bit like cheeky reverse applique. There was some particularly fine stitching - that's quilters for you . . .


 I, of course, forgot to take a photo of the zapped sample . . GGrrrrr!!!

 But there are some that I did take . . .




 The ladies were particularly taken with the corsages I showed them - they were off and running in no time.

  Corsage made from distressed polyester organza.

And some from Tyvek . . . .

And some from Tyvek and polyester organza  . . .


  My new range of polyester is just gorgeous - I love playing with it. This is the turquoise and green zapped together and then ripped apart - Scrummy!


 The ladies all had a great day and left with plenty of ideas on how develop their ideas further.

 One of the group, Lea, has attended several of my Foredown Tower workshops and had sent me these photos a while ago and I had meant to post them on here.


The shapes are cut with a soldering iron and the stitching has worked out very well. It is always good to see students developing their work after a workshop.


Hasn't the weather been fabulous the last few days? A few proper hot days. I have been attacking the garden, I am feeling SO much better. The hedges are looking very trim and I am planning some changes to my front garden. I am opening my house again in December and I feel the front garden needs a bit of TLC.

I am teaching at Foredown Tower again this weekend - On the Surface - Bondaweb based - Yeeehaa!!! There is nothing like it.
Then I am off to teach at Denman College on Monday and Tuesday . . . . 

Will report back . . . .


Jill  - 47 sleeps t go - I had better start sorting what I need and order some threads.


  1. Oooh, threads, what are you going to order? I need to find my list and check what I might need. x

  2. I need white - through to black and a colour of my choice . . . . I think I will get all I need from Empress Mills. You know me - I just like good old basic polysews. x x x x x x


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