NEW! Black craft Vilene

 My new black (well charcoal really) pelmet/craft Vilene decorated with painted Bondaweb, foils and gilding flake and then cut with a soldering iron and bonded onto the same black pelmet/craft Vilene. FAB!

 ooooohh!!! It's chilly! Have you got snow too? This is the third year in a row we have snow in Brighton - most unusual.

We also had snow at Bluewater so Sunday was a very quiet day. The first three days were fabulous though. None of us were sure if anyone would come to the show as it was a new venue, but we needn't have worried - you all came in your droves. Thank you!
It was great to see so many of you there and you seemed to be having a great time. It was fabulous meeting you all and catching up with friends who also had stands at the show.

As it was a bit quiet yesterday I had the chance to play with some of my new products that I will launching on the website in a couple of weeks time. I am just having them cut and priced then I can let you all know what I am up to.

The new black (nearer charcoal) sew-in interfacing is about half the weight of the Pelmet/Craft Vilene. I have been selling the white version for while as Pelmet Vilene Light and have been encouraged to add the black version. It is soft, firm enough to stitch into without a frame and cuts beautifully with a soldering iron. It also makes a fabulous background to decorate with painted Bondaweb.

 'Decovil' iron-on interfacing decorated with strips of dyed newspaper, painted Bondaweb, gilding flake and mica flakes.

While I was playing I tried out my new 'Decovil' iron-interfacing with my layered newspapers and painted Bondaweb. I need to make some covered books for the trade show in a couple of weeks. I must say I am very pleased with it. It is firm but pliable - perfect for book covers and bags. I will post some images of the books when I finish them later in the week. I have lot of paperwork to catch up before I can play -.!$%^&*£?

Wonderful texture . . . . and form and repeat shapes . . .

Those of you who follow me on Facebook will know that my stand was next to Mike who has the chocolate stand - aARGGHH!!!! There is no hope for me. I'm just a girl who can't say no! As my friend Lee Brown says - I have will power, but no won't power! How am I going to fit in that aeroplane seat?


I am home for 12 whole days - Bliss! I have loads of orders to get out and I must finalise all the deliveries of materials for Australia and New Zealand.
Lots to do but at least I can do it from home. I've promised myself that if I am very good girl this week I might have a little R & R in the Portsmouth area at the weekend . . .!!!!!!

Keep warm.



  1. Getting the ferry over to Caen again huh?

  2. great to have met you Kim at Bluewater, I was the one with the micro iron, still havent got around to trying it, looking forward to having a play with my purchases . . totally impressed with your art, just stunning

  3. ha ha!! no my darling - I will be staying in the Portsmouth area . . . . x

  4. Hi Siobhan, thanks for your kind words. I was very intrgued by that little iron. I will be very interested to hear if it reaches a decent heat at 25 watts. Let me know . . . x


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