A New Starting Point at Art Van Go 8th - 10th November
A fabulous sample of newspaper faux chenille. It is already December - I apologise for the delay in writing this up. Moving house has taken more out of me than I thought. I adore teaching at Art Van Go. The teaching area is great, the staff are wonderful, and it means I get to see Viv and Kevin. This was my last workshop for this year. A fabulous to end the year with lots of colour and texture. Working with old newspaper, books and maps has become a passion of mine - layering, colouring and generally playing to see what will happen next. Painting the Bondaweb. On the first part of the workshop we painted up the Bondaweb and newspapers as these need to be dry before we use them. Painted newspaper. The students ironed painted Bondaweb onto a painted newspaper background, just an A5 size nothing too big. You learn just as much from working on a small size then anything larger and you use up your material stash too soon. The news...