Out of the dark - into the light . .

Chasing rainbows

Having taught many students over the years, from 4 year courses to one day workshops, both in person and online, I get quite lot of interaction via email. News about exhibitions of work, getting onto a higher education course, that kind of thing.

I was delighted to receive an email from Carrey Gorney last week. Carry has taken various workshops with me, both in person and online. A few years ago Carry created a body of work entitled 'Burnt Histories' -

"I have created ghostly portraits using the torn pieces of lace and faded photographs carried out of Germany by my Granny and her sisters when they fled the Nazis. They were always sewing, even before” Kaiser Bill” led the Germans into World War One. My grandmother had longed to become a doctor, like her brother, to rip up her sewing, to rip open her corsets and to become herself.
I have ripped, scorched and singed the last fragments of their vanished world to create a series of ephemeral images. My heat distressed textures and wobbly embroidery melt us together across time, a reminder of Europe’s burnt histories.

I, too, am the daughter of refugees."


Thea - Image transfer, painted Bondaweb, torn papers and hand stitch

This work is now part of a digital exhibition Painting with an Accent: German-Jewish Ã‰migré Stories to mark 85 years of the November pogroms and the Kindertransport. The work is part of a partnership with the German Embassy and the Ben Uri Gallery & Museum to commemorate not only the stories of the Ã©migré artists featured here on this website but also all the other children and Ã©migrés who found a future here in Britain. To read more about this online exhibition - have a look here - https://benuri.org/exhibitions/72/overview/  while Carry's work is more mixed media than painting, it is good to see it included in this thought provoking exhibition.


Rhea - Image transfer, heat distressed Tyvek, vintage doilies, mica flakes and hand stitch

Paper Doll - image transfer, torn burnt paper, painted Bondaweb, painted papers and various applied threads with hand stitch


Thank you for sending me the images Carry - It's great to see how you have integrated what you learned on the workshops into this beautiful work.

Have you a story to tell about work you have created through my workshops?  It is always good to know what happened next - info@kimthittichai.com


A beautiful, if chilly day on Loop Head

Those of us in the northern hemisphere had a rather long period of rain and grey days in January. How do you cope with it? I am not normally affected by the long dark days, but for some reason it really hit me this year. I am generally a happy bunny, able to see the good in everything. I really sympathise with those of you who affected on an annual basis. 

The days are getting longer now and we have had a couple of sunny days that remind me the warmer days are on their way. Plus the birds are singing like mad and eating their way through all the bird seed and fat balls on a daily basis. Spring is definitely on her way.



Wave watching

I went off for a good long walk along the nearby cliffs with the dogs yesterday. The sun was shining and it was warm out of the wind. Great wave watching weather. The cobwebs certainly got blown away. It was wonderful to have a good stretch and breathe all that fresh air!! 



Making decision about what to do next always takes time. I have been dithering for a couple of months now. Having a long chat with a good friend today has helped make my decisions on how to move forward. . .  Watch this space! Yeehaa!!



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