Having fun with newspaper in Inverness with the C.A.T. group.

Gorgeous newspaper faux chenille

 It takes a lot to winkle me out of my life on the edge of the world. I thought long and hard about leaving for a few days to teach in Inverness, but thought it might be fun so I put Poppy into my wonderful dog minders and off I tootled.
I'm SO glad I did.

The C.A.T. group have been meeting for many years and because of this they are a fabulous group to work with. They are an absolute joy. Great fun but they also work hard.
 The group working away on the first morning painting up their Bondaweb.

The 2 day workshop we decided on was a combination of A New Starting Point and Newspaper Faux Chenille. They wanted to have some fun, not worry what anything looked like. This took the pressure off and the group enjoyed playing and going with the process.

 Starting lay up the 'backgrounds' and 'prettys'.

 A New Starting Point involves working with painted newspapers, old maps, books . . . The process is to make 'backgrounds' that then become 'prettys'.
Four layers of tearing and layering is a good start, but you can try more.
The full process is too long to put on here but is covered in my 4th book, Reclaimed Textiles.

Some of the beautiful layered prettys'.

Once the layered surfaces are ready for stitch the samples were ironed onto F220 iron interfacing. A soft interfacing that is strong enough to support the newspaper so it doesn't tear when you stitch it.

 Yes - there are sequins on this piece - and yes - they do look good!!
The beginnings of a stunning stitched piece.

Playing with stitch, you don't need heavy threads to see them.

On day 2 we got on with the newspaper faux chenille. As we were already working with newspaper and other papers, it seemed a good idea to include this

 How you layer your papers, and whether you paint them makes a big difference to the finished effect.

 Adding polyester organza in between your layers of paper can make a fabulously fluffy effect once the sample is distressed.

To finish off your samples they can be stuck to a canvas.

 Part of the very lovely C.A.T. group with some of their samples.

I would like to thank the group for such a brilliant couple of days and for looking after me so very well. I am looking forward to seeing you all at Festival of Quilts in August and back in Inverness next year. A very special thanks to Rosemary for being that extra special hostess. And to Innis for the entertaining banter!


If you like the idea of either or both of these workshops they are avialble online. This month there is a 10% discount. Here are the codes . . 

Newspaper Faux Chenille -  https://app.ruzuku.com/courses/23327/enroll?price_point=24432&url_hash=7390ad5cff31637539ca1a&coupon_code=May2019

If you are intersted in any of the online workshops, or my teaching in Ireland have a look here. http://www.sonas-studio.com/

If you would like to enrol on any course in May, do email me for the 10% discount code for the course/workshop you are intersted in. info@kimthittichai.com


While we are on the subject of the online workshops, The Journey is now live and we have our first Journey and one of the great isolated designs from it.
We have had several people sign up but most will start a bit later in the month. They wanted to make sure they go the discount. There is no rush as all the online courses are avialble to view until I stop trading as Kim Thttichai Online. And I don't intend to stop for a long time!!

 The first Journey on the new online course.

An isolated design from the Journey.

I am very excited about this new course, it will be wonderful to see what everyone gets up to. You can work on your on all my workshops, but it is good fun to share what you do and discuss it.

The Journey is not discounted as it is a brand new course.


I hate having my photo being taken. This was at the end of the last busy day of the workshop, I was very tired - but you can see I am very happy. I had a great time with this group. Plus I think moving to Ireland and getting a dog has done me the world of good. Life is simpler, you appreciate the little things much more. Being warm, having good friends around you, living in a stunning part of the world and breathing all the wonderful fresh air. 
Photos can be a good marker!!

A tired and very happy Kim.

x x x


  1. That looks enormous fun and the end products are fabulous.


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