August - Look. Draw. Stitch and Experimental Textiles Online.

One of Denise's prints

I taught the August session of Look. Draw. Stitch. this weekend. Three lovely students, we had a great time and what fabulous work they produced. I have had to really sort through all the images I took. It has been difficult to choose.

I run the Look. Draw. Stitch. weekends from January to November. So far this year we have ranged from one student to four. Next year when I move into the studio I hope to have six every month. Anyone can come - whether you have worked with me before - or not. Most students just come once, others come a couple of times a year. This weekend we had Susan from Australia. Denise from New Zealand and Rosie from West Clare! Usually students are from the UK or Ireland but these 2 antipodean ladies planned my workshop into their holiday in Ireland - good forward planning.

 We started the weekend with a bit of drawing, nothing too terrifying. I have plenty of interesting things to draw inside and outside the house. We are never short of inspiration.

After we have drawn for a while the students then take a couple of sections from their drawings and make tracing from them.

Rosie, Denise and Susan working on their drawings and tracings.

 This are Susan's traced designs and the printing blocks she made from her designs.

 Denise making a block from one of her designs.

 Rosie making one of her printing blocks.

 Rosie's first prints.

 Everyone getting down to trying out their first prints, getting to know their blocks.

 One of Rosie's designs.
The positive and the negative parts of the deign make the blocks.

We use baby wipes to clean the blocks - and end up with more gorgeous prints to work with.

 Rosie enjoyed playing with this block.

 The first prints from Susan's first block.

  . .  and playing with her second design.

 Susan decided to work with the baby wipes she had cleaned her blocks with. 
Aren't they beautiful colours?
 We played with the prints. Cutting out section and and adding different backgrounds.

 Rosie starting to stitch into one of her samples.

 Two of Denise's prints.

 On Saturday is was plenty warm enough to st outside and enjoy the sunshine 
. . . and the view.

 To give you some idea of the process we cover on the weekend - I am using Denise's work as an example.

 Denise's drawing.

  . . her traced section of the drawing.
The middle right design was used to make the following blocks and prints.

Cutting the self adhesive foam (yellow) and sticking onto the foam board.

 Four blocks - Denise made the first blocks then flipped the design to make two more blocks - mirror images.

 Denise over printing her blocks.

 Three of the combination that you can achieve with these blocks.

 The next piece of work was printed with the other deign that Denise had worked on  - the bottom right of her tracing page.

 Cuttign out parts fo the design to show a different background - in this case, we chose a heavy linen in a toning brown.

 Denise starting to stitch her print.

A bit more stitch - more to come. 

It really was a fabulous weekend, all the hard work paid off. Well done those girls, and thank you.

The next Look. Draw. Stitch. weekend is September 22nd and 23rd or October 20th and 21st. There are still places if you want to come and play at my home in Ireland.
Just email me for a booking form. 


4 of the Journeys from the current Experimental Textiles Online course which started in January this year. 

The second course of Experimental Textiles Online will start enrolling tomorrow.
This is a one year course with regular feed back from me until August 2019.
Interested? Click here . .

The course begins at the end of September. Once you enrol you will be able to view the introduction video and the materials list video. It is wonderful to now be able to teach this course online, reaching out across  the world.

If you would like to develop your own style of work - then this is the course for you. If you would like to speak to me about the course, then do please email me with your phone number and I will will ring you at a time that suits - or we can Skype. The course is a big investment in your time, and money, so I would want to make sure the course is for you . . . 


Hello Jill - not long now.
Hi Diana, so glad you enjoyed the show.
Hello Tod - will speak soon

x x x x


  1. Some great examples of the variety of work people do with you. Not quite counting the days but starting to think ahead xxx


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