4 FABULOUS days at Inkberrow Design Centre 8th - 11th October

Following swiftly on from Shropshire the day before - I delivered a 2 day workshop - Extreme Surfaces for Stitch at InkBerrow Design Centre 
We had great fun layering Vilene Spunbond backed with Bondaweb and stitched onto craft Vilene.

I love teaching at this venue - the workshops are perfect for my classes.

Layers of dyed Vilene Spunbond machine stitched onto dyed craft Vilene and then zapped back with a heat gun.

These beautiful samples were created by my youngest student ever - pre dyed Vilene Spunbond CS500 (yellow) had Bondaweb ironed onto the back and shapes were cut out with a soldering iron. The backing paper was then removed and the negative spaces (yellow) were then ironed onto the the black and blue backgrounds, more pre dyed CS500. Simple and exquisite!

Pre dyed CS500 decorated with painted Bondaweb, sequins and glitter. This was then 'cut' into wavy strips and layered up to create a 'frothy' effect.

This wonderful array of regular shapes and colour was by the checkouts at the supermarket where we bought the sandwiches for the workshops.
Wonderful layers . . .

Brenda Killigrew is the M.D. of Inkberrow Design Centre and is a great friend of mine. We have known each other for about 15 years now and her energy never ceases to amaze me. Her commitment to Adult Education is second to none and as many of you will know, in the current climate, it is a hard road to travel. I will be teaching my new version of Experimental Textiles there next year. I have one more workshop left to teach there this year - New Layered Textiles, November 3rd & 4th. There are a couple of places left.


Well - I have been away from home for NINE days. That is too long - I won't do it again. I have lot to catch up with, 2 articles to write, take my laptop to be repaired, a workshop tomorrow in Bexhill, orders to get out, shopping . . . ..  and - GROAN - un load the car - I have NO idea where I'm going put everything  AARGGHHHHHHH!!!

I will write more over the weekend about the second workshop at Inkberrow and the filming. As you will see I am now using my main P.C to write the blog. All the letters on the keyboard are working!!!!




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