A very happy OAP!!

 Well how did that happen? I am now a pensioner . . . 

Getting older doesn't worry me in general, but I am more aware of the groaning joints and I am thinking about what time is left to get SO much done. I have more ideas than ever now. Textures to create, designs to develop and so much more stitch to play with. 

When you get to landmark birthdays, I think it is normal to take stock, to see where you are and how you would like to spend your time. After the Experimental Textiles course finishes in June/July next year I will be having a break from regular teaching. I have booked a stand The Festival of Quilts at the NEC in Birmingham, UK. www.thefestivalofquilts.co.uk/ in August next year. It will be so very good to catch up friends and ex students at the show. It will be a change for me to have my own stand rather than working on a Vlieseline stand. I will be there to promote the new Experimental Textiles Video Library which should launch in January 2023

In September and October 2023 I will be traveling to New Zealand and Australia. I will be teaching at the Geelong Fibre Forum 24th - 30th September. I was due to teach there in 2020 - but we know what happened then . . .  taftainc.com.au/workshops. I think this will be my 4th time teaching at the Geelong Forum, or maybe it's the 5th. I have just worked it out - it is the 5th, Orange, Katoomba, and twice previously in Geelong. My workshop is entitled - A workshop of 2 halves. We will start with The Journey, isolate designs and then create our printing blocks. Then we will develop and print onto firm surfaces to create boxes or vessels or maybe decorate a canvas. It will be great fun. This will be another opportunity to catch up with friends who I haven't seen for far too long.


I am very pleased with what is happening with the online Experimental Textiles course. The students started with The Journey and then isolated designs and created their printing blocks. They have been been printing onto paper and fabric. Using baby wipes to clean their blocks means that they also get great prints on the baby wipes. Here is a printed baby wipe cut to a design and bonded onto a printed background by Jane Wolf. Isn't it FAB!! I have been encouraging the students to work in toning colours so you can see all the textures.

Print sample by Jane Wolf on Experimental Textiles


Getting out with the girls before the rain sets in again

We have been experiencing spells of torrential rain recently with plenty of localised flooding. After a deluge earlier this morning, sun is now out. Because we have so much rain, we also get a lot of rainbows. Sometimes we get 2 or 3 a day. Here are 3 from the last 3 days. 


I keep meaning to research which conditions create rainbows of different heights and widths. Something else for me to do in my semi retirement . . 

Well that is me up to date - I hope you are safe and warm - and dry, where ever you are.




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