Tidying up!!



How are you at tidying up after a workshop or when you have finished a project? 

I am dreadful!! I am making an effort, I have bought a few see through stacking plastic boxes to put my materials away in when I have finished teaching. How do you sort your materials and products? Colour? Textures? Products? Techniques?


Last week I taught my first 2 part workshop via Zoom to a group of students in America, Canada, and Scotland. 2 x 3 hour sessions 10am PDT/ 6pm BST. I can be in 3 places at once!! Students on the PDT time zone can work in the morning, and students in Europe enjoy an evening class. 

The workshop was A New Starting Point. Featuring my backgrounds and pretties technique. We have the show and tell next week. I am very much looking forward to seeing what the group have developed from their samples. 


3 book covers by Sue Redhead from the US.

Sue also made some greeting cards.

So - back to my messy table . . Having all these lovely boxes is great - but you have to fill them. It's a bit like buying a filing cabinet to organise all your paperwork, you need to actually use it!!  Groan. I love making the mess - just hate clearing it up.                                                   

The tidying up begins

Why is there always so much to sort out?

Neat piles eventually appear

 And of course, while you are tidying, you come across all kinds of treasure . . Left over torn and layered paper strips, that you just know will come in useful - at some stage. So you then scurry about to find a clear plastic bag to put them in. Deep sigh, any activity will do so long as I don't have to tidy up!!

Love these colours together

I love the Japanese papers . .

. .  and I adore the gold flash of gilding flake

 . . the torn edges are always so pleasing

more gilding flake is even more pleasing . .

. .  I think I will stitch into this piece

all the pretties in a row . .

. .  my favourite sample from the workshop.. .

If you like the look of this workshop I am teaching it as a live Zoom one day workshop in London time on Friday June 24th.

A New Starting Point

I did tidy up eventually, I have to as I open the studio every weekend. It's a good discipline.

As you can imagine, I have a lot of samples, but they always come in useful, particularly now I am making more videos. Have you seen my latest one? Do leave any questions in the comments. 

There are more videos that you might find helpful videos on my YouTube channel.

My Youtube channel


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