New work and colour palette and some FAB students work.

A fabulous spiral created from newspaper faux chenille by Janet from Australia.

We are halfway through September and it's time for me to think about my live Zoom teaching for next year. I have listened to those of you who want to do the Journey design exercise with me and the continuation workshop, making printing blocks for your designs. These are planned and now published on the website for January and February. A great way to start the New Year - with your new original designs. All workshops are capped at 15. I need to have the time to work with each you all during the one day workshop. The price of the workshop includes the 2 hour live Zoom group Show and Tell 2 weeks after the workshop, you have the encouragement you need to develop what you started on the workshop. 

The Show and Tells have been almost as popular as the workshops. What started as a way for me to see what the students do after the workshops, has turned into something very social and enjoyable. The groups certainly enjoy them. So much so I have created a new private Facebook page for students to chat to each other. Some students have done all of my live Zoom workshops, some do 2 or 3,  and some do 1, but they still seem to get to now each other through the Show and Tells. 

I love how this kind of thing develops it's own energy. I also love that no one is trying show off or compete with other students, I would never allow that. My workshops are for beginners and experienced alike. Whether you want to learn something new, or revisit old skills and techniques, we have a great time learning together.

 The poster for my exhibition in October  

More information on the exhibition 

I have my 4th exhibition in Kilkee coming up. 'Of Land, Sea and Sky' sees me exploring a different colour palette and will open on Monday October 4th - (Arrghh!!Am i ready? Nooooo!!

There will 6 new canvases and 10 new photographic fine art prints illustrating the past year here at Fodra on Loop Head the Wild Atlantic Way. It is a wonderful opportunity to exhibit in the library in Kilkee known as Culturlann Sweeney. The gallery is fabulous. just the right size for a solo show and there is plenty of help with the 'hang'. It makes such a difference to have help, you are a much less sweaty and distressed artist and can enjoy the whole process. (Anyone who has hung a solo show will know exactly what I mean).

My great friends and supporters, Robbie and Hugh at my 'do' in the gallery in 2019

And I have just heard I can have a 'do' to open the exhibition. This is so exciting. It will be the first 'do' for an exhibition in the library this year because of the Covid restrictions. I can invite all my friends and collectors for a drink and some nibbly bits. Yeehaa!!

I have moved on from bright, colourful sunsets to investigating the wonderful contrasts of the light and dark that feature frequently across the landscapes on Loop Head. I love the really deep charcoal skies that are enlivened by shafts of sunlight turning the local fields a wonderful light citrine green.

A new colour palette for me.
I am having fun working with a new palette.

And now onto the workshops -

I have several international students on the live Zoom workshops, all starting the workshop either very early in the morning or late at night. Jennifer lives in Australia and joins in the evening and works through into the early hours. These are her fabulous newspaper faux chenille samples. I have seen newspaper faux chenille stitched and cut into a spiral before. Don't they look wonderful? I think Jennifer will be making them into a square box. The samples in straight channels have been coloured to look like the exotic peeling bark that is seen on the gum trees in Australia. They are beautifully done. 

I will be teaching the Newspaper Faux Chenille workshop again next year. 



My sister has been staying here for a few days. It is so good to see her. She is a great help and loves taking Pops and Fizz for long walks. 

My sister Lynda taking the girls for a walk in my field. You can see we are enjoying LOVELY weather!! It's a 'soft' day today.

Now the restrictions are being lifted I will have a steady stream of visitors. Lynda leaves on Wednesday and then my 2 good friends Rachael and Mary arrive on Sunday for 2 weeks. It is great to have flights coming into Shannon airport which is about 1.5 hours from me - as opposed Dublin airport which is 4 hours away.

Bring it on!


All live Zoom workshops are in the London time zone 


Painted Bondaweb decorated with gilding flake, mica flake and hand stitch.

Workshop 9

Bonkers about Bondaweb!

Friday October 29th 10am – 4pm

+ Show and Tell Friday November 12th 10.30am – 12.30pm


For more information and to enrol -


The price of the workshop includes the one-day live Zoom workshop and the 2 hour group Show and Tell 2 weeks later. (Friday November 12th 10.30 - 12.30)

Do you love working with Bondaweb? Fancy learning a few new tricks?


A day of 2 halves – in the morning we will work through the basics of all the creative applications for painted and unpainted Bondaweb. This will include foiling for T shirts, decorating book covers and creating beautiful surfaces on which to stitch, using all manner of sparkle or natural elements.
In the afternoon you can carry on working with Bondaweb on it's own or introduce recycled papers into the mix and have a go at my Backgrounds and Pretties technique which can developed into making slip covers for books and fabulous brooches. We will also work with soldering irons to cut applique shapes.
At the end of the workshop you will have a folder of samples to develop in time for the Show and Tell 2 weeks after the workshop.
This workshop is suitable for beginners or anyone wishing to refresh their skills working with Bondaweb.


This blog post will give you a rough idea of what we will cover - but there be SO much more . .




Fabulous book covers made with the very versatile, leather like, Decovil 1 light.

Workshop 10

Beautiful Book Covers

Friday November 26th 10am – 4pm

Show & Tell Friday December 10th 10.30 – 12.30


For more information and to enrol -


The price of the workshop includes the one-day live Zoom workshop and the 2 hour group Show and Tell 2 weeks later. (Friday December 10th 10.30 – 12.30)

We are coming to the end of the year and it is time to think of all things sparkle! Maybe think about that special present for a good friend.

Have a great day working with the fabulous iron-on interfacing Decovil light. A very versatile interfacing that feels like leather and lends itself to so many craft projects. We will be making slip covers for hard back books. We will work through how you would like your book cover(s) to look. Will they be full of colour and sparkle, or a little more subtle? You can iron on all manner of fabrics and papers. You can also print on the book cover and of course, stitch into them. By hand of machine. We will also look at how to finish off your book cover to make it a practical gift. 


This blog will give you an idea of how we will be making the book covers.




A section across 3 Journey exercises.

Workshop 11
The Journey

Friday January 28th 10am - 4pm
Show and Tell Friday February 11th 10.30 - 12.30

For more information and to enrol -


The price of €70 includes the one-day live Zoom workshop and the 2 hour group Show and Tell 2 weeks later. 


 I have taught this workshop all over the world for the past 20 or so years, and it is still popular. It is a wonderful way to relax and develop new, original designs to make your work different to everyone else's.

Create a journey, imaginary or otherwise and learn how to create your own designs.
Never be afraid of the ‘D’ word again! We will work though several formulas for creating original designs, discussing the use of colour and materials as we work. Working with paper, paints and pencils you will generate enough designs on this day to last you for years to come. 

The designs you generate on the day will be the start of many exciting projects to come. Use the designs for applique, quilt patterns, embroidery . .  the choice is endless. Whatever your craft or practice, you will always need designs - and from now on your will be original and unique to you.
Start you own design workbook (preferably A3 spiral bound) where you will keep all your designs, tracings and colour experiments. This workbook will be the resource you need if you wish to to do the following workshop - Creating Printing Blocks From Your Own Designs.


This blog post shows what can be achieved with the designs from the Journey - This is a combination of The Journey and Create Unique Printing Blocks.




A design created from the Journey applied onto a foiled background.


Workshop 12
Create Unique Printing Blocks
Friday February 25th 10am - 4pm
Show and Tell Friday March 11th 10.30am - 12.30pm

For more information and to enrol -

The price of €70 includes the one-day live Zoom workshop and the 2 hour group Show and Tell 2 weeks later.

The most important part of teaching for me, is to encourage students to create original work. This workshop is brilliant for those of you who have created your own designs and and now need to create your own printing blocks to make your work unique.
We will work with an inspiration of your choice. If you have done the 'Journey' exercise with me, you could use that. The materials list will give you some ideas if not. You should finish this class with several pairs of printing blocks and several 'try out' on paper and fabric. You will have time to develop your prints ready for the 2 hour Show and Tell on March 11th. 10.30 - 12.30 GMT

To give you some idea of we will be doing, have a look at this blog post - -



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