A wonderful Weekend - Look. Draw. Stitch. May 2018

One of Ness's printed papers flooded with a procion colour wash.

I always enjoy teaching, particularly at home in Ireland, but last weekend was really special. I had 3 ex students from the UK travel to the May Look. Draw. Stitch. weekend. I had taught Ness and Kate in Worthing about 15 years ago and Sheila in Hove even longer ago. It was a complete coincidence that they booked the same weekend as they didn't know each other. it was a real treat. I have occasionally bumped into them over the years, but the chance to spend more time with them and catch up on all their news was fantastic.
As well as working with them . . .

This was the 3rd Look. Draw. Stitch. weekend. There are still spaces in June and August. If you would like to learn more - then have a look here. look_draw_stitch

The weather was good so the girls could draw out side, when I say draw, I mean make lines and shapes with a pencil. You don't need to be able to draw, 'properly'!!!

The girls drawing in the yard and garden.

Once the girls had got all the information they needed, we took 'L' shapes ad isolated sections of the drawing to create new designs.

Sitting around my big table.

Once the designs had been isolated and traced off - we made printing blocks with self adhesive foam and foam core board.

Kate's drawing, her traced sections and her blocks.

Ness's drawing, traced section and printing blocks.

Sheila's drawing, traced section and printing block

Once the blocks were made we could starting trying out the blocks on paper,  getting used to how much paint to apply . . . I think it is much less scary to print on paper first, then move on to fabric when you are ready.

 Sheilas first print.

 The first prints drying in the kitchen.

 Once the prints on paper were dry, we flooded them with a procion colour wash. This really make the prints 'sing'!
 Glorious colour.

 This 'shadow' print was made by putting spare paper underneath the fabric you are printing. The fabric was cotton organdie so was a very open weave.
The paper caught the paint that printed through the thin fabric.

 The girls produced a huge amount of prints, every area of flat space was used, even the spare bed.

 Here are a selection of the prints - on paper and fabric.

 Don't they look fab??

 Printing on my dining table.

 I am currently teaching in my big lounge that has the views across the bays. whilst it is not ideal to teach in the house, it does the job. However. Work will be starting on my studio next month, I am so very excited. It has taken a while.
To have everything in one place and a more professional area to work and teach will be FANTASTIC.

It was wonderful to work with the girls again and I hope to be seeing them again later in the year.

The beginnings of Sheila's appliqued sample

 Ness's piece, ready for stitch.

 Kate started to stitch her sample. This also has bonded

 And how did madam behave? Quite well once the excitement died down. If anyone books on a course with me at home and is allergic to dogs, then she have an away day, but she is getting better all the time. Lively and affectionate - just like her owner!

Poppy resting - puppies need a lot of rest . . 


Sonas Studio Online Teaching. 
There will be a big announcement on June 1st about some changes we are making to the Sonas Studio online workshops. if you would like to receive the newsletter - then you can subscribe here - www.kimthittichai.com on the bottom left of the page.


Hello Diana - hope you are having a great weekend.
Hi Jill - more sun to top up that lovely tan.
Hi Tod - hope you are coping with the heat. x



  1. A bit breezy here today but am out in the garden making the most of it. Looking forward to the progress of the studio and the 1st June news xxx


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