New Zealand 2017 - part the fourth . . Hot Textiles with Taranaki Patchworkers and Quilters, New Plymouth.

 A fabulous painted Bondaweb/Vliesofix sample.

Having arrived in New Plymouth, it was straight on with the next 2 workshops. The first 2 day workshop was Hot Textiles and the second was A New Starting Point.
So on with Hot Textiles - I have included photos of the products we used so you know what to ask for. This workshop was going to concentrate on using unpainted and painted Bondaweb/Vliesofix and Lutradur/CS800.

Bondaweb/Vliesofix, still my most favourite product after all these years.

CS800 also known as Lutradur, a heavy weight spunbond, and Decovil 1 light, a wonderful leather like, iron-on interfacing

After introducing myself to the group and explaining roughly what we would be doing, we got onto painting the Bondaweb/Vliesofix and CS800/Lutradur. It is very important to know how little paint you need to get the correct effect. You don't want the paint to form a barrier.

The group painting the Bondaweb/Vliesofix.

While were waiting for the products to dry, I did a short demonstration on how to foil unpainted Bondaweb/Vliesofix. If you use this product unpainted it is guaranteed washable. Perfect for applique. 
Transfer foils are washable up to 30 degrees and can applied to the Bondaweb/Vliesofix with a cool iron and baking paper. Whatever shape you cut out of this wonderful product, the foil will stick to it.

Here you can see the Bondaweb/Vliesofix has been cut to a shape and ironed onto fabric. Once the glue had cooled down the backing paper was removed. The iron was then turned down to about 'wool'. If you iron the transfer foil with an iron that is too hot, the foil will pucker up. The foil was then laid over the exposed Bondaweb/Vliesofix shape, colour side up, and covered with a sheet of baking paper. This was then ironed for about 30 seconds. Enough time for the heat to get through the layers and reheat the glue. Once cold, the foil can be peeled off and your shape should be covered in foil. Great fun, and washable.

Once the Bondaweb/Vliesofix was dry, we could get on with playing. Remembering 'which way is up'!

These look lovely without any decoration.

Once the group had created their backgrounds on fabric we got to playing with decorating them. We used dried flowers, mica flakes, flat sequins, gliding flake, glitter and transfer foil . . .

Some fab decorated samples.

A peaceful room while the group had lunch in the room next door.

The second day we started playing with the CS800/Lutradur. I had put heat guns on the materials list and had assumed (Yes! I know, never assume) that NZ heat guns are the same as the ones use in the UK. Those in the group that had never used them before bought paint stripper heat tools from the local hardware store. The boxes are actually labeled with the words - heat gun!!
They were 2000 watts and way too powerful for what we needed. Plus, if we had plugged them all in the circuit would have tripped out.

Half of the group had the embossing type tools that we needed.

Luckily there was a local craft shop who had them in stock and saved the day.

 Decovil 1 light was painted painted wit a thin wash of acrylic paint. Once dry, the glue side transfer foiled and then polyester organza was iron and then zapped.
 CS800/Lutradur was decorated with painted Bondaweb/Vliesofix and gilding flake and then with a heat gun.

Some of the group decided to further decorate their Bondaweb/Vliesofix back grounds with toning coloured CS800/Lutradur . . .

Zapped CS800/Lutradur pinned to the backgrounds ready for stitch.

The group have great gun fun zapping polyester organza

3 layers of CS800/Lutradur, stitched together on the sewing machine, then zapped with a heat gun to reveal different layers of colour.

Laying up the colours - seeing which looks best.

Having a relaxing half an hour stitching into a sample.

We had a fabulous 2 days playing with the products and had another 2 days of excitements to come. More of that next week when I am back home.


One of the group showed me a sample of work she had made after reading my second book Experimental Textiles and having a go at 'The Journey'. You can see the 2" section taken from her 'Journey' on the left and the 12" version in fabric on the right. I do love knowing that people do use the book. Thank you Dorrianne.

Dorrianne's samples from Experimental Textiles.


I am now enjoying a relaxed weekend with Alysn and Brian Midgelow-Marsden at their beautiful house on the Tawharanui Peninsula. I start flying home tomorrow. I have had the most wonderful time and been so very looked after by all my hosts. 
See you all again on the other side of the world . . . when I have woken up!!!


Hello Jill - x x x
Hello Diana - x x x 
Hello Tod - will Skype later in the week when I can form a sentence. 

x x x 


  1. Safe journey back to your contented place xxx

  2. All looks wonderful and so full of colour.


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