Coming to the NEC this week . . . The Fashion, Embroidery and Stitch Show. 17th - 20th March.

 This is a new range of work for me - I am very excited. 
It will be shown in the gallery that I am sharing with Susan Chapman.
People and Places - stand number M11.

 Well we are nearly there - The Fashion, Embroidery and Stitch Show is looming ever closer.
We will be setting up the show on Wednesday and will be open to the public Thursday 17th - Sunday 20th March.

 One of the features of the show is the Vilene - now Vlieseline Workshop. This is something I organise. We have some fantastic tutors this year. 

 Please book spaces on my stand L22.
There are 10 places per workshop, per day. 1 workshop per person each day and it is first come, first served - so run from the door to the right hand corner of the show and join the queue.

10.30 BUILD UP BONDAWEB With Tina Francis
Painted Bondaweb has been used in Textile Art for some time; in this session you will make it the star of the show! Pre-painted Bondaweb will be layered to bring a painterly aspect to your work – think Troika Pottery, ceramic glazes and texture and you will be nearly there!
11.45 NEEDLE FELTED BROOCHES With Jayne Routley
Have fun needle felting, layering colour and using the new iron-on interlining Decovil 1, to make lovely brooches.
13.00 TWINKLING LANDSCAPES With Angie Hughes
Enjoy a bite-sized workshop using velvet, transfer foils and Bondaweb, plus a few surprises to create a shimmering landscape.
14.15 LAYERING LEAVES With Fran Holmes
Distorted leaves will be made from a combination of Decovil 1 Light and the Spunbond CS800. Students will learn how to combine these products, then colour and distort using a heat tool.
15.30 SOLDERED FLOWER DOILEY BOOKS With Kathleen Laurel Sage
Have fun with soldering irons and CS800. Create beautiful lacy effects to make a gorgeous little book with this exciting product. This process also makes great greetings cards.


I won't be teaching this year as I have my own work in a gallery plus my Experimental Textiles students have their end of year show on stand L23 (alongside the fashion show). Even I can only manage so many stands . . .
It is a bit nerve wracking showing my work. I haven't done so for several years. 
Most people are familiar with what I teach - but not my own work.

The work that will be on show will be new and some of it is still in the sampling stage, but hopefully you will find it interesting. It is wonderful to be sharing the space with Susan Chapman and her magnificent quilts. She is a prolific artist and has several international shows a year to work for. Susan has become a great friend and I am looking forward to spending some time with her this week.

These are details of the 4 canvases. 
Painted Bondaweb and a new fusible web that I have painted and printed. 
This has been decorated with gilding flake and mica flakes.


Most of us now use baby wipes to clean up after printing and making any kind of mess. Anyone who regularly dyes or paints will know that the cleaning up cloth is usually the most exciting piece of work of the day.

While I was working in New Zealand with my new printing blocks in January, I became very distracted by the baby wipes I was using to clean the blocks. I just loved the build up of colour and design. So much so, that I ended up printing in order to decorate the baby wipes!!!

 4 of the set of 12 baby wipes on 8" by 8" canvases.

I have no idea of the longevity of baby wipes, but as they can't be flushed down the toilet and are covered in acrylic paint, then varnished. I have high hopes for them. It will be interesting to see what visitors to the gallery will think of them.

Details of 2 of the baby wipes.

I will also be demonstrating how to use my KK Glue which will available from my stand (L22) and the Art Van Go stand.

KK Glue sprinkled through one of my stencils, fixed with heat and then decorated with heat transfer foil.

I wouldn't be able to cope with show with out the help of a certain person and several of my ex students. The certain person is Jayne Routley who will be womaning my stand on L22 while I swan around the show, tossing my hair, being a textile artist!!! 
I would like to thank Rachael Singleton and Mary Smith for taking time out of their busy lives to help me set up my stands and generally help make my part of the show run as smoothly as possible. Most importantly stop me from getting ratty!!!
I certainly couldn't run 4 stands on my own . . .

So - to recap - 
The Kim Thittichai stand is L22, which is opposite the Vlieseline Workshop on the back wall. Stand number Y09
The People and Places Gallery showing mine and Susan Chapman's work is stand number M11.
The Experimental Textiles end of year show is stand number L23, this runs along side the cat walk of the fashion show.

Do come and say Hello!!! I will be splitting my time between the gallery and my own stand. It will be great to see you.


Hello Diana - will reply to your email after the show. 
Not long now Jill - whooo hoo!!
Hello Tod, my lovely!!! 
Hello Denise, only 14 months to go! 



  1. Really looking forward to seeing the new work - looking fab! See you on Friday xxx

  2. Rats, I can't make it this year. I always loved FE&S. Give my love to Angie and anyone else I might know. I'll miss this show even more now you have shown me what I will be missing! Have a great time.

  3. Your new work looks fab. You give so much in your teaching, so it must be great to finally find some time for your own work. Sorry I can't get there as I'm on holiday, but good luck and I hope it goes really well.

  4. I have done the very same thing to get painted/printed paper towels and I save the baby wipes form all my workshops!! I have no fear that the baby wipes will degrade anytime soon! especially with varnish! LOL!! We are cut from the smae cloth- color and shiny object magpies!!


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