A New Starting Point with Chichester Embroiderers Guild - Tuesday 15th September

 Gorgeous colours and textures.

Greetings from Melbourne!
I am writing this on my first day in Australia. It's a day of walking, eating and sleeping. Starting to get my body clock ready for my first teaching session in Geelong on Thursday.
I will post more on Melbourne later in the week when I have caught up with this post from last week.

The past month has been pretty hectic and therefore you have had a few posts in the last week, I hope you are coping with them.

My last ever one day workshop was for the Chichester Embroiderers Guild on Tuesday 15th September. (I know only offer 2 - 5 workshops) 
 I had delivered a lecture to the group the day before and stayed over night with the very lovely Barbara Wright who is an ex student of mine. It was so good to see her again.  We had a lovely meal together on Monday night and we were joined by Margaret Fenner who I hadn't seen for ages. We had a LOT to catch up on. It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces both at the lecture and during the workshop, teaching in my local area is always a treat. 

 Setting up the workshop.

 A New Starting Point is my newspaper based workshop and by far my most popular. As it was a one day workshop the students had been asked to paint their newspaper and Bondaweb before hand so we could get straight on.

 Starting to tear and layer the 'backgrounds and prettys'.

The first layers . .

 . . and then torn again.

Here are some of the samples of torn and layered papers decorated with all kinds of sparkle including gilding flake. Gilding flake works so well with painted Bondaweb.


  This technique is featured in my book Reclaimed Textiles and there is a video link here - Playing with painted Bondaweb and newspaper. (Don't watch it late at night, you will have nightmares).

The Chichester Guild is a very friendly group and they are always up to something creative - If you live in the area and fancy joining, why not go to a meeting and check them out?
Here is the Guilds blog -

And the website -

 That's all for now folks . . laters!

x x x


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