Whhoo hooo! New videos using KK Glue and transfer foils with Colouricious

Layers of KK Glue, Bondaweb and transfer foils - what more do you need?

I have just returned from 3 days filming videos with Jamie Malden of Colouricious. We had great fun and worked hard. I have wanted a 'how to' video of how to use my new KK glue for some time. It has been selling well, but I felt it needed more instruction. KK Glue is so versatile and I haven't felt that I have supported this exciting new product enough. There are now several videos on YouTube - just put KK Glue in the search engine. I will also add the links on this post. 
I thoroughly enjoyed my days with Jamie and her family - I do enjoy working with Jamie and hope we can make new videos that feature both us. I think we work well together.

The worktable in the Colouricious studio was rarely clear, I do TRY to keep a tidy table, but rarely suceeed. I am not a good example!!! I tend to ascribe the 'from chaos comes creativity' theory.

Choosing blocks from the Colouricious collection to work with takes time - there are soooooo many to choose from. I adore spirals in all their forms, so that helped me choose.

One of the Coouricios spiral blocks and my first quick sample.

I got stuck in straight away and printed this block using an embossing pad to help the KK Glue adhere to the paper. It is a very simple process - 
Tap the printing block onto the embossing pad, and print the ink onto your project - I have used an Indian newspaper, you can use fabric, or wood, anything you can iron safely. The ink is quite sticky and doesn't dry too fast, giving you time to sprinkle the KK Glue onto your print.

Once the design is covered with KK Glue, you can shake off the residue onto a sheet of paper and pour back into the screw top pot.

You need to fix the powdered glue with and iron, not forgetting to use baking parchment. Wait for everything to cool down and remove the baking parchment.

You are then ready to foil - this is all covered in the videos - do go and have a look - there are several links below.

A pair of spiral blocks - I just love these - if you can't live without them - this is the link.

I have been very keen to show how to use transfer foil to foil the 'positive' block design and then use Bondaweb to foil the 'negative design that is left on the foil.

 Ammonite printing blocks were used to make this foiled KK glue print.

The next step was to show how to use the negative part of the design that is left on the foil - I think this is almost the most exciting thing I do now.

Playing with different colour combinations.

Using Bondaweb to remove the 'negative' design from the foil. 
This is much better explained in this video.

Ammonite printing blocks can be found here.

We then moved on to decorating Tee shits using KK Glue through a stencil. KK Glue is washable up to 30 degrees when foiled.

The black Tee shirt is the 'positive' design of the stencil and the grey Tee shirt has the 'negative' design using Bondaweb - which is also washable.

   This the link video for this process -

I had great fun playing with the alphabet blocks . . .

Transfer foil ironed onto a laser print.

We were so busy having fun that I almost forgot to tell Jamie about the fact that you can iron transfer foil onto laser print. If you don't have a laser printer (we popped down to the local business centre) there will be somewhere locally that can print your copies for you. As we were filming all things foily it would have been shame to miss this very simple process out. 
Here is link to the video - 

So - I think you can see we had fun. I hope you find all this helpful . . . 

If you would like to buy some KK Glue, here is the link - 

And I stock 17 single colours of foil and 10 4 x colour packs - http://www.nid-noi.com/product/TRANS.php

Have a great weekend.



Palace of the winds, Jaipur.

Creative Holiday Tour of Jaipur -
September 20th - 30th 2016 

Jamie and I have been talking about traveling to India together for the last 3 years, but we never have time to sit down and talk about it, and more importantly, book the dates. But now we have and you are the first to know.

 Jamie and I are planning to host a joint creative holiday in Jaipur and would love you to come too. The focus of this particular holiday is to explore, discover and have fun with all the colours, shapes, textures and patterns that will surround us. We will be attending block printing and stitching workshops with local artisans each morning and the rest of the day will be spent getting to know Jaipur. This creative holiday will appeal to all of you who are interested in design – traditional and contemporary. The combination of print and stitch is always exciting.
There are several wonderful palaces to visit which are highly decorated and will inspire you with your own work. Jamie is a very experienced travel host - your comfort will assured at all times.

We will be updating the webpage as we get more information and finalise the itinerary and the price. I am SO excited.



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