On the Surface at The Bridge, Brighton 18th & 19th April

Just strips of torn paper, laying, waiting to be ironed down. They fell into a rather splendid design.

Am slowly catching up after my op. I am moving about pretty easily - just a bit stiff and sore. I start physio this week, that should sort me out!!!! 
I hope to start sending out orders this week. nid-noi.com has been busy in the last 2 weeks, I should be able to get most of the orders out by Friday. Whilst I can't drive till the beginning of June. I can get the bus to the post office. 

The last workshop I taught before the op was 'On the Surface' at The Bridge, Brighton. This venue is only 10 minutes from my house - such a treat!
There were only 4 students booked on the course - so we were a select few - 2 of the group have been on other classes with in the Brighton area. I decided to run the course with 4. I like teaching at The Bridge, it is very airy and spacious.

I teach in the art room, we can get messy in there.

'On the Surface' is my original workshop, the first one I ever taught. It is based on decorating painted Bondaweb, though I now include Tyvek as well. It never ceases to amaze me that people still don't know that it can be painted and decorated. Regular readers of this blog will know how much I love Bondaweb.

Painted Bondaweb very often needs no decoration, just the process of painting the Bondaweb, tearing it and then ironing it down - can be enough of a background. Or even for the sake of itself.

Simplicity is sometimes best.

This sample was created on the Saturday and then stitched into overnight and brought in to class on the Sunday. A very keen student.

We started by painting the Bondaweb, while this was drying, we had a play with old newspapers and un-painted Bondaweb. Using un-painted Bondaweb lets you see through to the copy or photograph on the newspaper.

Layering up torn strips of paper onto a background that has un-painted Bondaweb ironed onto it.

Layering and tearing, again and again.

Here are a few of the more finished samples  -

As you can see , the choice of colours and width of torn strips can make quite a difference to a piece of work.

We then worked on fabric with the painted Bondaweb -

Torn painted Bondaweb decorated with gilding flake and torn skeleton leaves.

Torn painted Bondaweb decorated with gilding flake, torn sweet wrappers and bits of lace. There is the beginnings of some stitch on this sample.

KK Glue is now a best seller on www.nid-noi.com and I am always being asked about it. This workshop was no different. So we had a play for an hour. This great powdered glue fits into most of my workshops as it works so well with transfer foils.

The KK Glue is sprinkled LIGHTLY through a stencil.

The stencil is then very carefully lifted off, taking care not to smudge the design.

The design is then carefully covered with baking parchment and ironed with a hot iron to fix it.

You can see when the glue has melted, it goes dark.

Once the baking parchment and glue are cold, remove the parchment. Cover the design with transfer foil (colour side up). Cover the foil with baking parchment, and iron with and iron on wool/medium. If the iron is too hot, the foil with pucker and not release the colour.

 Foiled KK Glue.

Once the foil and glue are cold, remove the parchment and transfer foil. The foil will have stuck to the melted KK Glue design. This is washable up to 30 degrees.

There was a lot of experimenting on the workshop, one of the most exciting was foiling on top of foil . . . .

The first design was foiled (bronze). This then more KK Glue sprinkled through the same stencil, fixed and then foiled in purple transfer foil. It is a great effect.

I have 16 different coloured foils and various colour packs on the website.

We also played with texturing Tyvek.

Textured Tyvek laid onto painted Bondaweb.

I have 2 more courses coming up at The Bridge, one in July and one in August. The workshops will take up to 8 people, so places are limited. This is the link to The Bridge website.


Coming up -
My next workshop is 'Creating Original Designs' at Art Van Go on Tuesday the 9th and Wednesday 10th of June. I do so love teaching there. We are always so well looked after. This will be the last time I teach this workshop for some time. I will continue to teach it as part of my Experimental Textiles course. 
This design technique is very popular in Australia and New Zealand and I have taught it there several times with great success.

The following images show you what we will get up to and there is a link to the same workshop I taught at Art Van Go in 2014.

Making printing blocks from your designs is exciting and very satisfying and helps make your work stand out from the rest. 
This is the link to last years course - 

This is the link to the June Art Van Go workshops.
 Art Van Go June workshops

Do come along and play - you will leave with several printing blocks and lots of gorgeous printed and dyed papers.


I hope you are managing to enjoy this rather chilly and damp 
Bank Holiday Weekend.



  1. Hi Kim,
    It is so nice to see all the playful applications going on in your workshops. I don't know if the materials you mention are available here, but I surely get inspired to try new things, after reading this.

  2. Hello - Bondaweb should be available in the USA. it is also known as Wonderunder/Vliesofix, it is a fusible web.
    It is still my favourite thing after all these years. There are several videos on the left hand side of the blog that link through to Youtube that might help. It's good know someone actually reads the blog. Thank you. x x x


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