Hot Textiles with the Malmesbury Embrodery Guild - 4th October

 Vilene Spunbond (Lutradur) with Bondaweb on the back, cut with a soldering iron, then ironed onto a background.

I teach a lot of workshops to a lot of Guilds, both Embroiderers and Quilters. Every now and then you come across a rather special group. Don't get me wrong, all groups are welcoming and great fun - but this group was FAB!
The Malmesbury Guild are one of three Embroiderers Guilds in Wiltshire. They are a  small group and as with all small groups they could do with some more members. If you live in the North of Wiltshire, I highly recommend you consider joining them. This is their blog - with contact details.

 Painting Bondaweb.

Hot Textiles is the first workshop I wrote after my book of the same title was published. I hadn't taught it for a while, then two or three bookings come along at once. It is the basic sampling workshop, teaching how to use heat tools safely - Soldering irons, heat guns and irons.
The workshop was held in Little Somerford village hall. There is plenty of room with a great kitchen.

The group hard at work.

We started the day with painting the Bondaweb and Tyvek and while that was drying with cracked on with applique shapes cut with a soldering iron. Bondaweb was ironed onto the back of Vilene Spunbond and then shapes were cut with a soldering iron. The shapes are then lifted off of the backing paper and ironed onto a background. You can achieve some quite complicated shapes with a soldering iron.

Cutting the shapes . . .

Layers of shapes ironed down.

 . . . . and more shapes . . .

 and more.

After a busy morning we had a delicious lunch. Usually everyone brings their own lunch and the group break into smaller groups to eat their lunch. Not so with the Malmesbury Guild. They all bring food to share and sit down together for a feast. It was lovely.

The group having lunch.

After lunch we got on with layering the Tyvek with polyester organza. This was then machine stitched together and then zapped with a heat gun to reveal different layers of colour.

All sorts of scrumptious textures can be achieved.

Then we got onto decorating the painted Bondaweb. We used the usual suspects - transfer foils, sequins, glitter and gilding flake.

It was a busy day but the group managed to get a lot done. They really were great fun.

One of the students on the workshop on Saturday - got up early yesterday and started to stitch into one of her samples - I do love keen students. It was so kind of Naomi to send this image. It is always good to know . . what happens next? 

I drove back to Brighton via Portsmouth as I didn't want to chance the M25. I dropped in on a 'certain gentleman from the Portsmouth area' and I was whisked out for dinner. It was a great treat, thank you kind sir!!! I don't get a lot of chance for a social life at this time of year with all the shows coming up so off the cuff dinners are special.

x x x

This week it is The Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace. It's a big show with soooooo much to see. It is now on for FIVE days - it starts on Wednesday.

I am very excited to be doing the shows again -I miss all the hustle and bustle and it is a great opportunity to catch up with friends - most importantly my chum Laura Strutt who works with me on the Vilene stands.

Laura is great fun to work with, full of ideas and just a fabulous person to be around. We will both be on stand TGR3. Do come and say hello.

x x x

I have one more workshop left this year -
Reclaimed Papers at Art Van Go.

November 11th & 12th
2 day workshop
Reclaimed Papers
ART VAN GO, The Studios
1 Stevenage Road, Knebworth
Hertfordshire SG3 6AN

We will be working with all kinds of papers to create fainating surfaces that can be printed and stitched into - we could even make book covers and boxes if you fancy. Ironing the decorated, reclaimed papers onto Decovil interfacing will create fabulous firm surfaces to work with. There are 5 places left as of today. After the show - I doubt there will be any . . . .

 Decorated papers ironed onto Decovil 1 to make the paper firm enough for book covers.

Papers layered with painted Bondaweb and then stitched.

x x x

So my lovelies - I'm off to sort the last minute packing and posting of orders for and then decide what I need to demonstrate with on the stand.
It's gong to be a great show! 
Whoooo hooo!

x x x


  1. I love the pieces your ladies made at the work shop - they got some stunning effects. The reclaimed papers one sounds great too.

  2. Looks like it was such an awesome workshop. I have your Hot Textiles book and have just recently acquired a heat gun. Now to just get playing with it. Thanks for the post and pictures.


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