Experimental Textiles 3rd week end - part 2

One of Emma's resist prints

The second day was to be spent looking at colour and how other artists use it. The group attacked their colour wheels with gusto and managed to complete their tints and tones charts with good humour. It can be very trying to have to spend a good hour or so on very controlled colour mixing but it is very important for students to know how to mix colour. Whilst most of us use colour instinctively - colour wheels are very useful when a project you are working on just isn't working colour wise and you need to work out why . . . .

The tints, tones and shades chart and a colour wheel.

I won't bore you all with images of all the colour exercises we did - here are some more of Saturdays resist printing samples -

As we had the dye/colourwash out, some of the students continued their experiments with wax crayons and dye/colourwash and then taking away or discharging the colour with Milton sterilising liquid. I don't use bleach anymore as the fumes are just too strong when working in a group.

I had suggested types of printed papers for the group to bring and try colourwashing - old novels were very popular. This is a selection of Sally's experiments.

These will no doubt come back next time torn and stitched into.

I think Sally was speaking for the whole group when she painted this word with the Miltons - they were all feeling very brain dead after painting their colour charts. But they did very well!


I am off to teach at West Dean College now - it will be a tight turn around when I get back late Friday afternoon. I have wedding all Saturday and then I need to pack, load and leave for the TSG Summer School by 1pm on Sunday. I will try to do a quick blog before I leave.

Jill - not long now - YYEEHHAaaaa! x

Take care and have fun!



  1. I'm just back from 3 days of kayaking, raft building and trapeze with 97 12 year old's so it won't come too soon!

    1. Oh my goodness - can you still walk and talk??? I recommend a very large gin & tonic.
      We are going to have SUCH A GOOD TIME - poor Ruth, she is going to have to rule ua all with a very firm hand. see you very soon my lovely girl. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


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