Fab friends and FAB work . . .


The Divine Ruth Issett and the very wonderful Susan Chapman larking about on the Art Van Go stand. Ruth was demonstrating on the Art Van Go stand on Saturday and Susan's stand was opposite.

 The lovely Mr Mead from Art Van Go www.artvango.co.uk - we all ate so much ice cream during the show - it was clotted cream ice cream with real fruit and candy floss . . and honeycomb . . and raspberry pavlova . . . . and chocolate . . . and lemon crunch . . .  and toffee fudge and so many more. Over the four days we did our best to get through the flavours by having two scoop cones. The vote down our end of the show was that the lemon crunch and honeycomb were the best.

I will be teaching a 3 day workshop - The Journey, inspiration for art and design May 24th - 26th and another 3 day workshop  - A new starting point August 29th - 31st in their lovely studio. I will also be holding a mentoring day on the 1st September for any ex students who wish to spend the day discussing your work and how to develop it. There will be time in the afternoon for stitch and play.



Susan Chapman was exhibiting the beautiful work from her MA show. The work is based on how we are fast leaning on technology to communicate rather then using the written word and how the use of so much technology can lead to isolation.


It was great to see Susan again, I will be see her again when I do my first lecture and workshop when I come back from my Antipodean tour in Winchester.

Chris Gray from Mabon Arts shop.mabonarts.co.uk also had a stand at the show and also delivered a workshop in the Vilene Workshop every day. I just loved this large panel that was displayed on her stand.

Just some of the pendants Chris has developed using heavy pelmet Vilene plus, heat transfer foils and painted Bondaweb.


Very occasionally you see a range of work that just takes your breath away - for me the work is by Jenny Langley. The exhibit was entitled Protein Art in Thread and was executed using free machine embroidery on water soluble film, silk and metal shim. The work is exquisite in its simplicity. Jenny's science background was the inspiration for this body of work. Do have a look at her fascinating website - it is glorious www.arttextiles.co.uk

This image doesn't do justice to this beautiful hanging it is absolutely stunning.

A detail of the hanging showing the metal shim


One of Jenny's fabulous collagraphs.


I would have liked to show you so much more but the show was very busy and what with having to organise all the Vilene workshops and not having as much energy as usual I just didn't have a lot of time. It was great to see so many of you and have the chance for a quick chat. 

I couldn't have done the show without my 'minder' Jayne Routley, she was a Superstar. We will be driving down to Brighton this morning where she will help me unload the van and then I will deliver her to college where she will then teach her Monday feltmaking class - she is a very good friend and a great support.
I will then return the van and walk to the doctors and get the prescription for the suitcase full of drugs that will keep me going in Australia. I am going to have my hair cut very short tomorrow, every time my hair moves it drives me mad, just the wind in my hair makes it uncomfortable. Neuralgia is a right PAIN!!!
Lord knows what I will look like but sometimes it good to have a change. I will make sure I have enough fringe to dye it blue.

There are many worse things, I have all my arms and legs and I am still breathing and all this will pass . . . . Thank you all for your kind words and advice.

So - it is back to reality - the washing of clothes - final checks and then packing a much bigger suitcase, Lawkes a mercy me! I fly on Thursday!!!!!! aaRRGHHHH!

It was wonderful to see you Jill and Tallulah - not long till July - Yeehaa!!!



  1. Lovely to see you too, not counting the days to July yet but get that cheque in the post before you fly!


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