A day off!

 Newspaper block printed with Colourful Thoughts multi surface paints (bubblegum & copper)

I had a day off yesterday - Shock! Horror!! I had chance to work on a large piece of newspaper faux chenille - Oh no!!! not newspaper AGAIN you cry!!!

Colourful Thoughts multi surface paints are thick enough to print with and can be watered down to paint Bondaweb and Tyvek and they are gorgeous.

I have a deep box canvas 1m x .30cm I wanted to cover so layered up 7 - 9 layers of old dyed newspapers and backed it with some dyed craft/pelmet Vilene. My finished layers were large enough to cover the canvas and stick down around the edges. I have new wooden printing block I wanted to try out that Sarah Lawrence had given me at Festival of Quilts. I printed the top layer of newspaper, waited for it to dry then pinned all the layers together ready to stitch. I wanted to try stitching wider channel than I have been to see if I liked the effect. The channels are 2" - 3" wide.

My trusty old Bernina 707 battling through all the layers

the stitched channels

Once I had stitched all the channels I cut through the newspaper layers but NOT the craft/pelmet Vilene background.
I then started to distress the cut edges with the tips of my scissors.

I'm not sure if this isn't a bit tooooo distressed. I may revert to a wire brush to create something more restrained - Yes! I did just type restrained.

I have stuck the layers onto the canvas to support the piece as I attack it further. Once I have finished distressing it I will post another image.
Watch this space . . . .  


  1. I recently used a base, layed on chips and then the newspapers over it, stiched etc. etc. You get the same effect aprox.

    Sorry for my bad english.

  2. Your English is intriguing and making me hungry - Chips!?? It all sounds very interesting.

    I would love to see a picture. info@kimthittichai.com x

  3. Sorry, I mean torned papers in stad of chips.

  4. aahhh!!!Chips would be more fun - squishy and tasty!!!
    Do send an image and I will put it on the blog. x


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