West Dean - part the second . . .

the wonderful main workshop at West Dean
The full title of the course was Hot Textiles - exploring layers, colour and stitch. The main products we used were newspaper (as seen in the previous post) painted Bondaweb, Tyvek, polyester organza and Vilene Spunbond. Today I will show you the samples of the beautiful work the group did with painted Bondaweb, I usually try to keep the number of images down to 8 per post but as I have so many images of the gorgeous work from this course I hope you will forgive this extended post.
Bondaweb is such a versatile product, on this course we used it unpainted and ironed onto the back of Vilene Spunbond and polyester organza to create stunning applique which I will post tomorrow. This post is about painted Bondaweb.

 using painted Bondaweb as a background to iron on polyester organza delicately cut out with a soldering iron
a combination process using Vilene Spunbond applied with unpainted Bondaweb cut with a soldering iron and also ironed onto painted Bondaweb (does that make sense?)

another combined process for a larger piece of work, approximately 36" x 12", the tacking around the outside helps keep your work 'in the frame' and can be removed when you have finished. My photo does not do the work justice, I am hoping Linda will send me a photo when the work is finished and I will update this post then.

detail showing very fine back stitch and couching in toning threads for extra definition

odd pieces of painted Bondaweb ironed onto black cotton, the crazy patchwork effect is calmed by the strong, sharp lines of the edge
small, torn pieces of painted Bondaweb ironed onto black cotton, again keeping the 'frame' to a tight regular shape

 more controlled shapes using painted Bondaweb, an interesting exercise in moving from a regular to irregular shape on the theme of 'reflections', a great exercise for looking at 'spaces in between'
a beautiful and very simple sample using painted Bondaweb to depict a landscape, toning machine stitch was added for definition

painted Bondaweb used to apply torn newspaper using machine stitch and machine couching for more definition (sorry it's not quite in focus - more haste, less speed Kim)


I think you will agree some very interesting work was created on this course, I am very lucky that my courses seem to attract very talented students. I just have to wind them up . . .  and they go! I will post the third part of this work tomorrow - back to editing the book.

I've just realised I haven't checked my answer machine all week - better do that right now . . .



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