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West Dean - part the second . . .

the wonderful main workshop at West Dean The full title of the course was Hot Textiles - exploring layers, colour and stitch. The main products we used were newspaper (as seen in the previous post) painted Bondaweb, Tyvek, polyester organza and Vilene Spunbond. Today I will show you the samples of the beautiful work the group did with painted Bondaweb, I usually try to keep the number of images down to 8 per post but as I have so many images of the gorgeous work from this course I hope you will forgive this extended post. Bondaweb is such a versatile product, on this course we used it unpainted and ironed onto the back of Vilene Spunbond and polyester organza to create stunning applique which I will post tomorrow. This post is about painted Bondaweb.   using painted Bondaweb as a background to iron on polyester organza delicately cut out with a soldering iron   a combination process using Vilene Spunbond applied with unpainted Bondaweb cut with a soldering iron and also iron...