
Hurrah! and lashings of ginger beer!
I've finished the book. The first draft has gone winging its way to my editor. Oh the relief!!!!

 The book is about layering textiles and here are three of the images that have inspired me in the past months. I am hoping the book will be published ready for The Festival of Quilts next August, but it will be a tight schedule, so fingers crossed.

I have had to remove the heat gun from the website as it has been discontinued, I am hoping to find a replacement at the trade show in February. I will let you all know when I have found one. A 300 watt versions will work - but they take time, and if you are like me with the attention span of a goldfish, you want your heat gun to work fast!

I can now get on with putting my house back together after our best ever Open House. I am looking forward to a weekend off  . . . . . and away . . . . Ho! Ho! Ho!!!


  1. Well done, enjoy a glass of wine or two and think of me!


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