
Doing a happy dance!

  I look as though I mean business . . brandishing my iron . . It's been a busy time since I last wrote the blog. I am now in full time filming and editing mode. Whilst I can't make up the time I lost when I had the TIA, I can make sure I don't dilly dally about recording the remaining 5 online workshops for The Experimental Textiles Video Library & Membership. Whilst it is hard work, it will be worth it to get them all up on the website by the end of the month. I can't tell you how satisfying it is to be able to talk to students online when they ask questions or post their work in the private group attached to each of the workshops. I do a little happy dance when a member posts their work. After years of trying different online teaching platforms, the best one is my own website. Technology has changed so much, it is amazing how much we can now host on our websites. And with the help of David Kelly , my website works well and looks fabulous. I am sitting here, grinn

Frosty days and a colourful online workshop

Fizz helping me change the beds . . Well it has stopped raining for a few days, and now it is down to freezing. Brrr!!! My readers in Australia and New Zealand will be enjoying gorgeous sunshine. I hope it isn't too hot for you - I know the temperatures are rising. Meanwhile in the northern hemisphere, it is very chilly indeed - though warm in the sun. There is surprising heat in the sun, out of the wind! We rarely get frost this close to the sea, but we have had a few very frosty days. It is very pretty and I am grateful that I can pick and choose when I venture out of my cosy, warm home. Like many folk that live by the sea, my yard is decorated with various 'ornaments' that I have found on beach walks. They are very pretty in the frost. I enjoy arranging them. It is very rare to see the frost on the walls and on the grass in my field The girls are enjoying the bright, dry days. Walking them is so much more fun when it is dry I have been busy filming my next online worksho

Happy New Year!!

Nicola and the girls  Happy New Year!! How are you all? Have you survived the Festive Season? I hope that you have great things to look forward to, something simple like starting to knit a new jumper or maybe a larger project? New Year saw me and the girls (my dogs) staying at Clasheen with my dear friend Nicola Brown for a few days. We go there every year. It's a great chance for us to catch up properly, talk about things that have gone well, and some things that have not gone so well. When you work for yourself you are always learning . .  It rained almost continuously, so we didn't get any long walks in, but it was very good to sit in Nicola's cosy lounge or kitchen and just chat about anything and everything. Plus my dogs generally get on well with Pip, Nicola's dog. A very different view from Nicola's house Those of you that have been following me for a while, will know my house has views along the west Clare coast. Pretty amazing. Nicola has a wonderful view

Uzbekistan April 2025 - Yeehaaaa

Gur-e Mir (Tomb of the Emir) Samarkand It's happening!! Hurrah!!   The Textile & Architecture Journey of Uzbekistan 2025 with Kim Thittichai is now up on AAhilya Holidays website - here is the link - As you can probably imagine, I am so very excited about this trip . I have always been fascinated by The Silk Road. The colours, the designs. The wonderful structure of the buildings. The huge rounded forms against the stunning blue skies. Bibi Khanum Mosque, (dome over the north iwan) Samarkand Bibi Khanum Mosque, Samarkand Bibi Khanum Mosque (courtyard), Samarkand We will have opportunities to work in sketchbooks as we travel around these amazing cities. Do these images make you feel energised and wanting to explore? Do you fancy joining me? Madrasah and minaret of Islam Khodja and Soviet school, Khiva Kalyan Minar, Bukhara Chor Minar, Bukhara Registan

Gorgeous colour in the sky and in my work

5pm on October 30th   5.16pm on October 30th Well it is November - so we do expect to have storms here on the west coast of Ireland. Storm Ciaran has passed over Ireland and is now thrashing parts of the UK. It has been pretty windy and the rain has been horrendous. We have had a lot of local flooding. However the house is fine, everything outside is a bit squidgy and soaking wet. Taking the dogs out is fun at the moment! Though with everything that is happening in the world at the moment, I certainly can't complain . .  With the nights drawing in, in the northern hemisphere, the sun is setting earlier and earlier. We have been enjoying some rather beautiful sun sets. The colours are quite remarkable, the images above were taken within 16 minutes of each other. Living out here on the edge certainly has it's advantages. I think you can see where I get the inspiration from for my work.   5.27pm on October 27th I particularly love it when the

Geelong Fibre Forum 2023 - the people who make it happen

Bronnie and Larissa, what a team!   This is the last of 5 daily blog posts about The Geelong Fibre Forum 2023. It was important to me to record as much as I could about my students, their work and all the fun . . . and my dear friends. To see the first post and then the others - go to - Geelong Fibre Forum 2023 The organisation of an event the size of the Geelong Fibre Forum is mind blowing. It is all run by volunteers!! The main 2 being Bronnie and Larissa. How they manage to run The Geelong Fibre Forum every year, whilst working full time and running homes and families - I really don't know. Thank you so much lovely girls, this was a fantastic forum. This year was particularly special for several reasons. One being that Bronnie and Larissa had an exhibition of their own work. It was a real treat to see what they love creating. The opening party was fabulous, very much enjoyed by everyone. Bronnie & Larissa opening the exhibition Lots of happy talk and discussion about the wor