Uzbekistan April 2025 - Yeehaaaa

Gur-e Mir (Tomb of the Emir) Samarkand

It's happening!! Hurrah!!

The Textile & Architecture Journey of Uzbekistan 2025 with Kim Thittichai is now up on AAhilya Holidays website - here is the link -

As you can probably imagine, I am so very excited about this trip. I have always been fascinated by The Silk Road. The colours, the designs. The wonderful structure of the buildings. The huge rounded forms against the stunning blue skies.

Bibi Khanum Mosque, (dome over the north iwan) Samarkand

Bibi Khanum Mosque, Samarkand

Bibi Khanum Mosque (courtyard), Samarkand

We will have opportunities to work in sketchbooks as we travel around these amazing cities.

Do these images make you feel energised and wanting to explore? Do you fancy joining me?

Madrasah and minaret of Islam Khodja and Soviet school, Khiva

Kalyan Minar, Bukhara

Chor Minar, Bukhara

Registan Madrasas of Ulugh Beg, TillyaKar and Shir Dor. Samarkland

Registan Madrasas of Ulugh Beg, TillyaKar and Shir Dor. Samarkland (facade)

While the forms of the buildings are remarkable, the details are not to be missed. Such inspiration to be discovered.

Detail of the decoration on the facade of Shir Dor madrasa

Magok-e Attari Mosque facade, Bukhara

Magok-e Attari Mosque facade, Bukhara (detail) 
Necropolis of Shah-i Zinda (detail of facade) Samarkand
Mausoleum of Shah- e-Muik Ata 
Mausoleum of Shah- e-Muik Ata (the ceiling)

 So many lines, patterns and designs to discover and explore, it is going to be an amazing and inspirational journey . .


I will be writing more about this amazing trip as I research more into the details.

 x x x


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