Distressed and Burnt - long post warning!!


An image of work created by Carrey Gorney, featured in the exhibition and book Burnt Histories  

The conversion started this morning at 8.33 on Messenger. I don't mind messages on social media as I can choose to answer when I have time, or feel like it! But as it was Carry, we started to chat. Carry Gorney is an artist and a past student of mine. She played and developed new ideas in my original online workshops several years ago, and came to my home in Ireland to take part in one of my Look, Draw, Print, Stitch weekends.


An image of work created by Carrey Gorney, featured in the exhibition and book Burnt Histories

Here is part of Carrey's question this morning - "Your surface teaching work is still wonderful. I would like to develop that using photographs ...from my Burnt Histories exhibition which is still being shown and referenced.  . . . and I suddenly thought why don't you incorporate digital photos into your work and teaching? Photos are what you do... I'd love to work with you combining images and your textiles..."

And to paraphrase my longer reply -  "There are several other tutors promoting courses using digital images, and you know, I do like to be different."

I have always taught image transfer as part of of my Experimental Textiles courses and it was covered on an online workshop I delivered on manipulating with heat. Which is where Carry had her light bulb moment and the work she started on the course ended being part of an exhibition and published in a book.


An image of work created by Carrey Gorney, featured in the exhibition and book Burnt Histories


As we all know, one of the main parts of being creative are the connections we make, as artists, students and the materials we work with.

 You can see from these images how Carry has used the textured and distressed properties of Tyvek and torn papers to illustrate damage and decay.


An image of work created by Carrey Gorney, featured in the exhibition and book Burnt Histories
Carry's book, Burnt Histories

Carry developed her samples with heat distressed Tyvek and layered torn papers and painted Bondaweb to create a body of work that interpreted her feelings and the stories of her female ancestors who were lace makers. Carry wrote and published a book on her family history and about installing the exhibition. It is a very interesting read.


A page from Carry's book - Burnt Histories. Each work is explained.


In Carry's words -

 I created ghostly portraits using the torn pieces of lace and faded photographs carried out of Germany by my Granny and her sisters when they fled the Nazis. They were always sewing, even before” Kaiser Bill” led the Germans into World War One.

My grandmother had longed to become a doctor, like her brother, to rip up her sewing, to rip open her corsets and to become herself.

My book illustrates the process of creating the Burnt Histories installation through words and images. I describe using heat distressed textiles, assembling collage, printing and photo-montage. My ancestors are also brought to life on the page as I describe their experiences as immigrants.

I, too, am the daughter of refugees.


Carry's book Burnt Histories is available for £7.50 plus postage by emailing Carry at burnthistories@gmail.com




You may have noticed I have upped my social posting to promote the completed video library

 Sooooo, my thoughts after this conversation which carried on for most of this morning and while I was writing this post . .

Having completed the 12 online workshops that form The Experimental Textiles Video Library which is now live on my website - www.kimthittichai.com I have been playing with the idea of filming a few stand alone online workshops that would complement all that I teach in the video library. I will be filming The Journey design exercise in January. Maybe I will listen to Carry and develop an online workshop on image transfer featuring my experiments on Tyvek, Lutradur and much of the research I have done with the Vlieseline interfacings and stabilisers. Note I am thinking image transfer - not just photos.

Mmmm!! this could be fun. It will take some time as I am making some videos for Vlieseline in September. Plus I have a few more ideas up my sleeve - of course I do . .

Isn't it interesting what a conversation can lead to - it is very good to talk.I hope you enjoyed this stream of consciousness? 😊

I will carry on thinking . . . .


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