Exciting news and some fabulous work

I do love silk fibre bowls, they look so wonderful in the light. 


Yes, it's been a while. Life got in the way of things for a few months . . .

But I am very happy to tell you that The Experimental Textiles Video Library is now complete. It took me much longer than I thought to film and edit all 12 workshops. But they are now all live on the website. www.kimthittichai.com

Lutradur, zapped with a heat gun and decorated with puff paste and acrylic paint. From Zap! Pow! Slash! and Melt!

The last 3 workshops to go live were Working with Silk Fibres, Zap! Pow! Slash! and Melt!, and Raising the Surface. I really had fun filming and creating the samples for these workshops, they round off the video library perfectly. 

All existing subscribers have had the end of their subscriptions moved to 15th July 2025.

The students who already subscribe to the video library have been creating some brilliant work. This piece is by Sally Thompson in Australia, inspired by the bark of a tree on one of her favourite walks.

Sally used Decovil 1 and Decovil 1 light to achieve this wonderful 3d piece.

There have been some fabulous experiments going on in the video library, here are few to enjoy -

Check out the website and see just what is included in 
The Experimental Textiles Video Library & Membership


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