One of the memorials in the Maharani Gardens in Jaipur that is featured in my Textile Travels online lecture.

 How are you all doing?

Are you coping with and all the rain we are having? I know some of you will be enjoying warmer temperatures on the other side of the world. Wherever you are, I hope all is well.

As I now live in Ireland, I am delivering less lectures, it is a bit far to travel now!! However I do deliver 3 or 4 during the year - online. Guilds and textile groups are much more experienced with Zoom now, so it is easy to talk to groups in real time, if not the same place. I can talk about anything - but I do offer a choice of 3 when I am approached. And I can write a new lecture if that is requested, I certainly have enough images to choose from after all these years.

 I was booked by a lovely group from Ayelsbury, U.K on Saturday to talk about my textiles travels. Having traveled and taught in Australia, New Zealand, India and a few places in Europe as well as the UK, I have plenty to talk about. Knowing when to stop can be a problem! The lecture went well, but it was the questions and chat with the group after the lecture that was so special. We really got down to the basics of how you start to explore and develop your own work and style, without copying someone else's.
It all comes down to process and interpretation.
I thought it might be good to remind you that I do still offer lectures, just online.



 The new look website is working well, I have just uploaded Beautiful Boxes & Book Covers. What I am REALLY pleased with is all the great work the members are creating, and they are sharing it in the private groups that are attached to each workshop. I can't tell you the pleasure it gives me to see them all chatting to each other. From Australia and the US to Europe and the UK.

Because not everyone wants to work through all 12 of the workshops on the video library and be part of a membership - I have made my 4 Foundation Workshops available individually.

The full Experimental Textiles Video Library & Membership -  €350 Annually

You can see them here -

My 4 Foundation Workshops - €100 annually

You can see them here -

Here are a few clips from Beautiful Boxes & Book Covers

That is probably enough for now, next time I will show you some of the work the members are creating and tell you about my coming to the NEC in Birmingham in March.


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