The beauty of nature and natural design.

Ferns unfurling down my boreen.

The first days of June have seen a burst of life and growth in my local area. You don't have to look very far for inspiration for colour or design. Line and form are all around.
A friend of mine who is an entomologist regular runs a moth trap in my field. We are recording all the moths and beetles. Very few recordings have been made in this rather wild area. Nick is licensed to run the moths traps by The National Biodiversity Data Centre and all our findings are recorded. It is important to discover how well the local biodiversity is doing.
Last week we had an Eyed Hawk Moth in the trap. The first one we have had here on Loop Head and only the second one Nick has seen on the west coast. The larvae feed on sallows and willows but the caterpillars are also frequently recorded feeding on varieties of apple tree found in gardens.

The Eyed Hawk Moth undisturbed

When moving away from anything that worries them, the moths extend their wings to show their 'eyes'.

I love the combination colours around the 'eye' and the wavy edge of the wings.
You can see that the moth is on the inside of an egg box. The moth trap is lined with many open egg boxes, a soft landing when the moths arrive. No moths are harmed when being trapped. All are safely released, away from the birds who think they might get a tasty snack . .

I have about 25 different types of grasses growing my field, along with orchids, ragged robin, birds foot trefoil and mouse ear, wild sorrel and plantain. Plus red and white clover. Every year I promise myself I am going to record them, but then I get busy and never do - maybe next year . . .

I love the graceful anthers and seeds on this grass. The seeds are like long heart shapes.  


Doesn't this look like a beautiful frilly ruff?

Such lovely delicate shapes and lines. 

The field is looking at it's best a the moment, this little video was made last night at 10pm. As we head to the longest day it doesn't quite get dark.

The edge of this feather creates such a beautiful line.
Living in such a rural area with such a rich bird life I collect all kinds of feathers that fall to the ground. These usually have fabulous markings in tones of black and white and occasional brown. It is unusual to find a plain brown feather. Because this feather is one colour, you can appreciate the shape and edge of it.

I rarely use sketch books as I deign and work through process, but I feel the need to record these fabulous shapes and lines . . Something for the lovely long evenings.

I hope you get the chance to enjoy and appreciate natural design - where ever you are . .


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