A beautiful new website


Me outside the studio   


 It's all about trust!

I am SO excited. My new website is up and ready for you to see and enjoy. Created by David Kelly of ttps://www.lukewarmvolcano.com.  

The site has a shop as well as information about my workshops, you can also book on a workshop through the website. So much easier, and you get an idea of how and why I live on the beautiful Loop Head peninsula. Do have a good look around and let me know what you think.


I am particularly excited about the video on the About Kim page. I really don't like being filmed and photographed. Working with someone who is so professional and has a clear idea of what he needed to film to tell the story, made it much easier.

It was great to see my property from a different angle and height.

Any of you that know me or have worked with me, will know how independent I am and that I hate being managed! After several good long talks about what I wanted to achieve with the website and video, I had to let David guide me through his vision for the website and the video. Some times you just have to trust someone else to do their job! I really wasn't sure at times, but I just had to trust in the process of the website build and the editing of the video.  And boy was it worth it.

Poor David had a lot of editing to do, I do talk a lot. But the result is fabulous.

My new video


 Looking out on a showery day on Loop Head, it is hard to imagine that we enjoyed a week of high temperatures and non stop sunshine last week. On several days the temperature reached 30c, very unusual for Ireland. It was hard to get any work done.

Pops and Fizz enjoying the shade and gentle breeze on a very hot day.

The hot weather coincided with a visit from my sister Lynda who flew in from the UK for a week. It was the first visit in the past 5 years that she didn't experience rain, floods, hail or snow . . . 

We swam off Querrin pier, it was so refreshing. It was the first time I had been swimming since I moved here 5 years ago. I shall be swimming more often now. There are several swimming spots here on Loop Head.

Lynda and I swimming off Querrin pier.

Scampi and a burger at my favourite place to eat, 5 minutes from my house by car. They do serve healthy options too.

The view from my local restaurant. It doesn't get much better than this.

While Lynda was here I took the opportunity to make and photograph the actual afternoon tea I will be serving here at Sonas. Now the menu has been finalised, I thought I had better photograph what visitors will buying. The light was a bit bright for the photos, but it was due to rain the next day, breaking our run of hot weather.

Tea for 2 at Sonas with views up the west coast.

Of course the afternoon tea needing tasting. It was given a big thumbs up from Lynda and I'm sure Pops would have given a paw up if she had been allowed to try anything.

You can see the menu here - Afternoon tea at Sonas

Lynda with Pops keeping an eye on the sandwiches.

It was wonderful to have Lynda here. As well as going out and about she also helped with weeding the big flower border, ready for me to get some new geranium plants that I have grown from seed into the border. There will photos and maybe a video in the next blog post.

The weather has changed dramatically now. Although it is still warm(ish), we are now experiencing sporadic heavy showers.

I love being able to see the storms approaching.


The live Zoom workshops are going well. The next one, Zap, Pow, Slash and 3D is this Friday and is sold out. I will post more about the students' work in the next post. They are creating wonderful things. The next workshop - Newspaper Faux Chenille still has a few places left. All workshop information is below and and now on my website. Now on my website - I can't tell you how it good it is to write that.


Live Zoom workshops 2021

All workshops are live and in London/Dublin time.  

 To book on a workshop - go to the link on each workshop or go here - https://www.kimthittichai.com/workshops


Workshop 7
Newspaper Faux Chenille  €45  4 spaces
Friday August 27th 10 am – 1pm
+ Show and Tell – Friday September 10th 10.30am – 12.30pm
A shorter workshop. This technique is not complicated to learn and have fun with. The work will be how you develop the process ready for the Show and Tell 2 weeks later.
Working with painted and unpainted newspaper, old maps, music – whatever you have, but newspaper is my favourite. You will need a sewing machine for this workshop.

to book - Book Newspaper Faux Chenille


Workshop 8
Boxing clever – making boxes and decorating with backgrounds and pretties.  €65 4 spaces
Friday September 24th 10am – 4pm
+ Show and Tell Friday 8th October 10.30am – 12.30pm
Create a fabulous, sparkly box ready for the festive season.
Or something more . . subtle.
We will be making lager boxes with the very firm Vlieseline S133 and smaller boxes with the more leather like Vlieseline Decovil 1. The box shapes can be cut with a scalpel/knife. Both these wonderful interfacings have glue on one side so your decoration can be ironed onto this surface. You will choose how you decorate the box, whether it is with my ‘background and pretty’ technique, or maybe newspaper faux chenille – or maybe both. You will be using recycled papers and Bondaweb and all manner of sparkle. We will look at edges and how you might join the seams of your boxes. Also, how they might be fastened, ready for you to enjoy experimenting for the 2 weeks up to the Show and Tell 2 weeks after the workshop.
If you would rather go ‘off piste’ and work on free form sculpture – that would be fine too.

To book - Boxing Clever


Workshop 9
Bonkers about Bondaweb!  €65 5 spaces
Friday October 29th 10am – 4pm
+ Show and Tell Friday November 12th 10.30am – 12.30pm
The price of €65 includes the one-day live Zoom workshop and the 2 hour group Show and Tell 2 weeks later. (Friday November 12th 10.30 - 12.30)
A day of 2 halves – in the morning we will work through the basics of all the creative applications for painted and unpainted Bondaweb. This will include foiling for T shirts, decorating book covers and creating beautiful surfaces on which to stitch, using all manner of sparkle or natural elements.
In the afternoon you can carry on working with Bondaweb on its own or introduce recycled papers into the mix and have a go at my Backgrounds and Pretties technique which can developed into making slip covers for books and fabulous brooches. We will also work with soldering irons to cut applique shapes.
At the end of the workshop you will have a folder of samples to develop in time for the Show and Tell 2 weeks after the workshop.
This workshop is suitable for beginners or anyone wishing to refresh their skills working with Bondaweb.

to book - Bonkers about Bondweb 


That's it for now, I need to start painting up some Lutradur for teaching on Friday and make sure I have all that I need to hand. 


Take care, keep safe and be creative.


x x x



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