Teaching is such a privilege and I have added a new workshop - Bonkers about Bondaweb!

A fabulous denim bag created by Meryl Hayes after the New Starting Point workshop using decorated papers and painted Bondaweb.

A detail of Meryl's fabulous bag.

Isn't this book cover great? One of several makes from Frances using the Backgrounds and Pretties technique with painted Bondaweb and painted papers.

The photos are still coming of new pieces from students on the first 3 workshops. I love that they want to share what they are doing.


Well was a longer break between blog posts than I was planning. I had to nip to the UK for a week to sort out a sad family event. Then I had the Astrazeneca jab, and that was it - for TWO weeks. I didn't see that coming!! I had full on flu and am now slowly recovering. I am hoping the second jab won't give me any side effects at all. 

So, apologies for the break in transmission.

I have a lot to catch you up on. Workshop 3 Creating Original Designs and Printing Blocks was just brilliant, we had a smaller group of 10 - we usually have 15 max in group. It is quite usual for students to avoid any kind of design workshop. Which is a great shame as they are the important ones. I included my design exercise The Journey in this workshop which had great results.

The designs for the following printing blocks were created from sections taken from each students Journey exercise. This is just a small selection of what was printed.

One of Alison's designs printed out

Alison's Second design

Helen's first over print

2 of Helen's blocks. 2 blocks from each design, 1 x positive, 1 negative

Teresa created these fabulous blocks from one of the sections she took from her Journey exercise.

Playing with the blocks and overprinting.

I love teaching this workshop, you never know what is going to be created, but you know that it will be good. 
Yesterday I taught Workshop 4 - Raising the Surface in my studio, here in Ireland. Working with painted Bondaweb and Tyvek. To be able to talk to 15 students in real time is such a treat. Yesterday we had 2 students from Montreal, Canada and 1 from Georgia, USA. Their workshop started a 5am, while the rest of us in the UK and Ireland started at 10am. Teaching on Zoom is fabulous. We have such a great time. 
Whilst it will never be the same as teaching in the same room, it means I can reach parts of the world that I don't normally reach. Technology does come in handy.
A snapshot of me extolling the praises of Tyvek.

Showing a piece of textured fabric weight Tyvek to the overhead camera.

Georgina in the UK showing off her first sample

Sharon in the USA showing one of her samples.

So that brings us up to date. A quick catch up this time.

One thing I have noticed while I am corresponding with prospective students and working with them, that there are still people out there that don't know about the joys of Bondaweb. So, to address this, I have added an extra workshop - Bonkers about Bondaweb in October. Places will be limited to 15 as I expect to get a few beginners on the this workshop and I need to have the time to work with everyone. Even more so than on the other workshops.

The new workshop is listed below -

To enrol on a workshop,
Send me an email with workshop in the subject.
Let me know which workshop(s) you are interested in,  5 , 6, 7, 8 or 9.

Along with a phone number. I will send you a PayPal invoice. 

Once this is paid - you will be on the workshop and I will send you the materials list.

All workshops are in Irish/Dublin time.


Layers of Tyvek and polyester organza, machine stitched together, then zapped with a heat gun.

Workshop 5

Tinkering with Tyvek  €65   FULL

Friday June 25th – 10am – 4pm

+ Show and Tell – Friday July 9th 10.30am – 12.30pm


A day of fun and experimentation with the wonderful material TYVEK.

(Also known as ‘fibrefilm’ & fibretex’).

We will be painting and stitching, incorporating polyester organza with this wonderful medium then heating it with various tools to create fascinating textures, bowls, vessels or sculptural forms. You will need a sewing machine and a heat gun for the workshop. No aerosols or oil-based paints can be used on this workshop.


Vessels made from painted and heat treated Lutradur.

Workshop 6

Zap! Pow! Slash! & 3D  €65

Friday July 30th - 10am – 4pm

+ Show and Tell – Friday August 6th 10.30am – 12.30pm

For all those that love their heat tools or would like to know more about how to use them. We will be using irons, heat guns and soldering irons and a sewing machine on this workshop. Working with Lutradur, painted and unpainted Bondaweb, transfer foils and gilding flake. You will create various samples on the workshop to develop ready for the 2-hour Show and Tell 2 weeks after the workshop. Learn how to control heat and the effect you can achieve with it. You can work in 2 or 3D in the workshop, it’s up to you. No aerosols or oil-based paints can be used on this workshop.




Newspaper faux chenille with added polyester organza.

Workshop 7

Newspaper Faux Chenille  €45

Friday August 27th 10 am – 1pm

+ Show and Tell – Friday September 10th 10.30am – 12.30pm


A shorter workshop. This technique is not complicated to learn and have fun with. The work will be how you develop the process ready for the Show and Tell 2 weeks later.

Working with painted and unpainted newspaper, old maps, music – whatever you have, but newspaper is my favourite. You will need a sewing machine for this workshop.




Square box made from heavy interfacing S133, decorated with painted Bondaweb and painted newspaper. (Backgrounds and Pretties technique)

Workshop 8

Boxing clever – making boxes and decorating with backgrounds and pretties.

Friday September 24th 10am – 4pm

+ Show and Tell Friday 8th October 10.30am – 12.30pm


Create a fabulous, sparkly box ready for the festive season.

Or something more . . subtle.

We will be making larger boxes with the very firm Vlieseline S133 and smaller boxes with the more leather like Vlieseline Decovil 1. The box shapes can be cut with a scalpel/knife. Both these wonderful interfacings have glue on one side so your decoration can be ironed onto this surface. You will choose how you decorate the box, whether it is with my ‘background and pretty’ technique, or maybe newspaper faux chenille – or maybe both. You will be using recycled papers and Bondaweb and all manner of sparkle. We will look at edges and how you might join the seams of your boxes. Also, how they might be fastened, ready for you to enjoy experimenting for the 2 weeks up to the Show and Tell 2 weeks after the workshop.

If you would rather go ‘off piste’ and work on free form sculpture – that would be fine too.



Painted Bondaweb decorated with gilding flake, mica flake and random herringbone hand stitch.

Workshop 9

Bonkers about Bondaweb!

Friday October 29th 10am – 4pm

+ Show and Tell Friday November 12th 10.30am – 12.30pm


The price of €65 includes the one-day live Zoom workshop and the 2 hour group Show and Tell 2 weeks later. (Friday November 12th 10.30 - 12.30)

to enrol - email Kim - info@kimthittichai.com


A day of 2 halves – in the morning we will work through the basics of all the creative applications for painted and unpainted Bondaweb. This will include foiling for T shirts, decorating book covers and creating beautiful surfaces on which to stitch, using all manner of sparkle or natural elements.
In the afternoon you can carry on working with Bondaweb on its own or introduce recycled papers into the mix and have a go at my Backgrounds and Pretties technique which can developed into making slip covers for books and fabulous brooches. We will also work with soldering irons to cut applique shapes.
At the end of the workshop you will have a folder of samples to develop in time for the Show and Tell 2 weeks after the workshop.
This workshop is suitable for beginners or anyone wishing to refresh their skills working with Bondaweb.




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