Louise Brown - winner of the Manchester School of Art Cass Art Prize.

 Layers of colour and gorgeousness.

 Things have been a bit more down that up recently - a few big changes have occurred and I am regrouping. So it was a joy to hear about Lou Brown and her prize winning sketch books.

I get the odd email now and then saying how helpful my books are and that I am an inspiration. It is always gratifying. But when my friend Jill told me about the work that Cheadle School had been doing based on my design exercise The Journey that can be found in my second book Experimental Textiles and some plastic samples from exercises in my first book Hot Textiles I was really excited.

Louise Brown on the right.

Louise Brown won the Manchester School of Art / Cass Art Teacher Sketchbook Prize on Friday 8th June. 

Lou is Head of Design & Technology at Cheadle Hulme High School.  She teaches A level Textiles and the two sketchbooks she entered show her lesson samples as part of the course in year 12.  The judges were particularly interested in her use of 'The Journey' to influence future work and ideas.  At the time of writing the scheme of work a few years ago, my books Experimental Textiles & Hot Textiles were a great influences and are both reflected in the two sketchbooks.

 One of Lou's sketchbooks.

The Sketchbook Prize invites current Manchester School of Art students, members of staff and teachers from the region to submit their sketchbooks.   Submissions are invited from across all disciplines and levels. Submissions are open to all formats of sketchbooks: physical, digital, three dimensional, or however you keep your personal ‘book’.

These are some of the photos Jill took for me - with Lou's permission. Jill explained I would like to use the photos in my blog.

 Such exciting possibilities from all these exercises.

Here are few more developed exercises and samples . .

Aren't these marks wonderful? So many different qualities of line.

 Starting to develop prints and stitch  . . .
 Wonderful samples that can lead - anywhere!

 And then there were the plastic samples - such fabulous colours.

Such exciting work.

I would like to thank Lou for giving me permission to share the images of her fantastic sketchbooks with you all. It is very generous. And many thanks to Jill for taking the photos for me.

Any of you who have been on any of the versions of my Experimental Textiles course will recognise the The Journey exercise.


I am now teaching The Journey online as part of Experimental Textiles Online. A one year course. This course will be enrolling again on August 25th. 

My new Hot Textiles Online course will be enrolling on September 9th. To celebrate the release of the paperback version of Hot Textiles.

If you are intersted in any of my online courses you can see them here.


Hi Jill - thank you so very much. 
Hi Diana, hope all is well.
Hi Tod - am now warm and toasty, thank you.


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