Lots of information - grab a cuppa and have a read . .

6.30 am. Sometimes it's worth getting up early . . .

This photo says it all. Sunshine and showers . . 

Well I think we had all had some decent weather over the bank holiday weekend.
Here on Loop Head we had the annual Oyster and Trad Music Festival. There are some fabulous photos and videos on the Carrigaholt Facebook page - do have a look. www.facebook.com/CarrigaholtCoClare 

Fabulous music outside The Long Dock.

There was also music at the lighthouse this weekend. It has been great fun.

The warmer weather is encouraging all our wild flowers to show their lovely heads. The Sea Thrift is looking glorious and the Gorse is starting to get to it's full technicolour yellow. In another coupe of months the hedge rows will be a riot of colour with Montbretia, Purple Loosestrife and the beautiful white, fluffy Meadow Sweet.

The first arrivals in my field.

I am learning which flowers are growing in my field. Clockwise they are - Lady's Smock, Ragged Robin, what I thought was a Pyramidal Orchid is actually a Broad Leaved Marsh Orchid and a lovely little Violet.

I had the opportunity to go out on the first Dolphinwatch trip of the year earlier this month. If you are ever traveling anywhere near the Loop Head Peninsula in County Clare, you really must get to Carrigahiolt and take a trip with them. Weather permitting.

I actually managed to get few decent shots.

And we saw dolphins. There are approximately 200 living in the Shannon estuary. Do have a look at the their website. 

OK - that is probably enough of the Irish Tourist Board Information for now!!! 


Way back in March I had a stand at Fashion, Embroidery and Stitch at the NEC in Birmingham. Some of you will know that used to teach my course Experimental Textiles at IDC in Redditch. I used to meet all kinds of students there on the different courses that the centre offers. http://inkberrowdesigncentre.co.uk/
 Kira Foster was one of the students that I used to see regularly there. 
As part of her final project on her fashion diploma Kira created a collection based on my teaching - mostly my design exercise - The Journey.

One of the many features of the ICHF Fashion and Embroidery Show is the catwalk and the amazing collections that are showcased there, and Kira's collection was on show there. Wow!!! it did look good. I was really flattered to have a whole collection dedicated to me.

Just a few of the photos I took of Kira's collection. 

Kira is now studying fashion at Falmouth University. I have no doubt we will keep in touch

Experimental Textiles Online
 ExTex (as we call it) is now up to module 4 out of 6. Still Life!! AArggh!!! 
Yes - I know, few of us will sit down and draw unless we are encouraged to - and it is such an important way of learning to 'look'. The current group are working through the module which begins with the still life and then moves on to other related exercises. I always ask the students permission to post photos of their work. This is Pat's still life that she built at home and made various drawings, paintings and pastel sketches from. These are just a small sample of what Pat has produced so far.

I always build a large scale still life. I find them easier to draw and paint from.  See the strong lines and shapes. After the next 2 modules the group will work with me over the following 6 months to develop a new piece of work. Communicating via Skype is working well. I am able to keep in regular touch with each of the students. 
On a recent Skype session one of the students Kay said that my course was 'the missing link' for her. Kay has worked through various technique and project based courses, but nothing that helps you generate your own style and way of working. It was very good to hear.

Experimental Textiles will run from September to August in future, to keep in line with the academic year. So will be enrolling again from the end of August this year. Here is the info in case you interested. 

The Jaipur Journey - January 2019 

I am going back to Jaipur, India next January. My holiday will be a bit different to any trip you have been on before. I have been working with Jamie Malden of Colouricious who owns and organises all the Colouricious holidays. 
We have developed a special trip which we hope will be a good balance between teaching and inspirational trips out, plus the chance to explore as well. There is also spare time for your to relax in the hotel, catch up with any drawings or printing you would like to, or go off and explore with me/or the new friends you have made in the group.
Here a few of the places we will be visiting. . .

 We will be visiting The Amer Fort Palace.
A remarkable place with so much to inspire.

 Metallic block printing. I just love this workshop and the all factory workers - they are so helpful and patient. 
We always have a great time here - and its shiny!!!

 Exploring Jaipur in a tuk tuk is a must - in groups of 3. Never on your own.

 The streets are full of colour and pattern.

 The architecture is just out of this world.

One place I particularly want you visit is Jantar Mantar. 

Jantar Mantar is a collection of nineteen architectural astronomical instruments built by the Rajput king Sawai Jai Singh II, and completed in 1734. The instruments are incredible with wonderful strong lines to draw. It is one of my favourite places in Jaipur. The simple shapes give your brain and eyes a rest from all the colour and pattern outside the gates of this beautiful, restful place.

If you are interested in finding out more about this trip - have a look here. 
You can see the itinerary and the fantastic hotel we will be staying in.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me - info@kimthittichai.com

Look. Draw. Stitch Weekends with me in Ireland.
I do love these weekends - we have such fun. They are starting to book for the rest of the year now, there are still places in June, August, September and October.
The April weekend saw Carry and Sandra coming to 'play at my house'!
Carry traveled from the UK and made the weekend part of a holiday with her partner and Sandra is from Northern Ireland, she and her husband drove down and Sandra had a fun while her man went off exploring.

 We were blessed with good weather, not something I can ever guarantee!!
Poppy, my new puppy, was particularly helpful at the drawing stage.
Carry and Sandra were happy to have a lively puppy as part of the weekend, they were given the choice as I have friends who can look after her for the day if anyone isn't keen on dogs.

 Sandra making her printing blocks.

One of Sandra designs showing the positive and the negative prints.

Having fun with colour.

 Carry starting to print with one of her flamingo blocks.

 Carry starting to print with another of her flamingo blocks.

 Sandra also played with a flamingo theme.
Yes, I do have flamingos in my garden. Plastic solar lights!!

 One of Carry's applique pieces.

 I think you can see we all had great fun.  I have 3 ex students coming over from the UK for the May weekend. It will be wonderful to see them. It must be 15 or so years since I have taught them. And they still speak to me!!!

If you are interested in any of the weekends - I can take up to 6 and there are plenty of local B and B's. If you come with your partner there are many opportunities to bird watch, walk, take photos, paint, go the pub, play golf. Whatever they fancy, leaving you to enjoy 2 days of play.


Sorry this is so long - thank you and well done if you have got this far!
Do please share this post if you enjoyed reading it. x
x x x

Hello Jill - love the new stitching.
Hello Diana -very many congratulations again. x
Hi Tod - hope this comes in OK. Sending love.



  1. Wow, that is an epic! So much in such a short time x

  2. It took me nearly all day - I must post more often. x x x

  3. Exciting times for you and your students.


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