Kim's Open House December 2014

My lounge, full of Lindsey Gibson's beautiful felt wall pieces.

It's that time of year - we are all belting around - getting ready for Christmas. 
Here in Brighton we have the Christmas Open Houses, we are about to have our second weekend.  This will be my last Open House in Brighton as I will be moving to Redditch in the Spring.

The house is full of stunning work, It is worth all the clearing out to show off all this beauty. The website is -, how to find us is on there too.

More of Lindsey's work . . .  and some of Annie's stars and angels . . .

We have quite a variety of work . . . 

Watercolours by Emily Jolley . . .

Jewellery by Fenn and Co. . . .

Stunning glass by Annie McMullan . . . .


Textiles for the wall by Sylvia Lynton . . . .


My friend John Culligan from France has sent over some gorgeous turned wood bowls . . . .

This is one of John's yarn bowls - you put your ball of wool in the bowl and thread the yarn through the hole - your ball of wool stays in one place, and away from your pets. They are a very popular purchase. This one is in spalted Beech.

A few of John's candle sticks . . . .

Downstairs in the bathroom we have a rather aquatic theme . . . . 

Felt seahorses and fish peeking out from anemones.

These are all made by Jayne Routley of Lady Lazarus. This installation lights up!!!

In the 'dressing up' room downstairs we have a selection of Janyes scarves and shawls . . .

Her monkeys . . .

 . .  and her fish . . .

And not forgetting . . . . . .

Lots of this little chap to hang on the tree.

Alison of Marys Lamb makes gorgeous knitted accessories.

Babies booties . . .

Egg cosies, scarves, tiny bears - all manner of lovely things to keep you warm.

And then of course there is my range of earrings and brooches . . .

my new blue bird earrings and brooches . . . .

. . .  and a few of my new earring designs . . .

So - we have lot's for people to see, artists to talk to  . . . and of course cake to eat.
Do come along to see what we are up to if you are anywhere near Brighton for the next two weekends. You can be assured of a very warm welcome to our colourful and unusual house.

x x x


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