Brighton Artists Open Houses and a bit of design.

I had to keep these for my self . . . !

The Brighton Artists Open Houses as part of Brighton Festival are now in full swing. We are halfway through the second weekend with two more to go.
I believe Brighton was the first to start the Open Houses - we have been doing them for thirty one years and every year the number of houses grows.
It is big business down here on the coast.

I have work in the Pink Bird House no 26 on the Independent Trail and I will be there next weekend if you want to come and say Hello! This weekend I am at Foredown Tower (number 1 on the Independent trail) with more of my jewellery. Today is gorgeous - the sun is shining so we should be even busier than yesterday.The views from the Tower across the downs and down to the sea are stunning.

 Some of my new stock ready for the studs and the wires.

 . . . and more . . !

It is great to have found something that I so enjoy making and designing that sells so well - Hurrah! I have been helped in no small way by Claire Pain of Laser Cut Sussex

Her technical knowledge is fantastic and is so necessary when cutting the blank shapes from my new surfaces. I can't tell you how helpful she has been - I am hopeless at design on the computer. Claire scans all my designs and works out a cutting order. We have great fun working together and continually bounce ideas off each other. So who knows what I will be developing next . . . 

Claire is a regular student on my courses at Foredown Tower. I meet so many fabulous ladies on my courses - which brings me neatly to Helen Fallowfield who is also selling her work At Foredown Tower. Helen was a student of mine for four years on my Experimental Textiles course in the early years of the course.

 One of Helens' designs.

When Helen needed inspiration for some new designs she referred back to her sketchbooks she created so many years ago on the course. You see, we tutors ALWAYS stress the importance of keeping up your sketch books when you are on a course - and this is why. You have an amazing resource that you can refer back to for the rest of your life. We don't run these course for fun, they are a very important part of your development as an artist and sketchbooks and portfolio work are a vitally important part of it. Rant over!!!!

  . . another

You can imagine how delighted I was when I saw these beautiful pieces displayed as part of her work for sale. I knew immediately which design source she had used. Those of you who have my book Experimental Textiles will know about an exercise I do with my students called 'The Journey'. Helen had taken more sections of her original 'Journey' that she painted on the course and developed these designs in stitch and applique on net. Fabulous. It is so satisfying to know that your teaching goes on . . . and on.

  . . and another  . . .

  . . and another.

By coincidence I will be teaching this exercise at Art Van Go this week. It is the only place this course runs. It is such a shame as it is so important to develop your ability to create original designs but students are usually too frightened of the 'D' word to sign up. We have a full group so we should have a great time together with lots of creative energy zapping about.

I would like to make this two day course an annual event at Art Van Go. It is the second year I have taught it there. In two days you can create many original designs that will last for many years. It is a great hardship teaching at Art Van Go . . .  not!!! We are SO well looked after and of course we have the Alladins cave that is the shop to play in - Heaven! I will be posting our progress on here during the

I'm off to Foredown Tower now to spend the day with good friends and sell my jewellery - it's a tough life . . . 

Have a great day!


71 sleeps to go. Yeehaaa!!!


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