Back to Denman College
Everyone is so well looked after and we always have great fun.
This time it was a Federation event and I was delivering a Hot Texiles workshop.
The students attending this workshop were Carol Griffiths, Joan Huyton, Jean Jeffrey, Judith Jenkins and Yvonne Jordan. We had a great few days together.
Judith - Dyed Lutradur 130 decorated with dyed and painted newspaper and distressed Tyvek strips.
Yvonne- Yvonne hadn't used a soldering iron to cut fabric before so this was her first attempt - no bad eh! Bondaweb was applied to the back of the pink acetate satin. The backing paper was removed and the fabric was laid onto a smooth ceramic tile and cut with a soldering iron. Using a soldering iron give you more freedom for more complicated shapes than scissors. Once the shapes had been cut out they were ironed onto dyed Craft Vilene.
Carol - All the students had a try at layering up heavy weight Tyvek with polyester organza, stitching it together then zapping back the layers to reveal different textures and colours below. A bit like reverse applique but with a heat gun.
Jean -Jean created some fabulous layered samples using Lutradur 130 and polyester organza, again cutting it with a soldering iron - this was my favourite.
Joan -
This fab sample was created by layering dyed and painted newspaper onto Lutradur 130, this was then layered with more Lutradur again cut with a soldering iron. I love it!
A great time was had by all and I will be back at Denman in October to torture more students.
p.s girls - 'Mr Cardiff 'has been removed from that website - a lucky escape I suspect!
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