Never say never . . . !

 Bondaweb painted with diluted Colourful Thoughts paint and then printed with the same paints at full strength.

Never say never! 
I have always said I will never sell paints or dyes - just products that will do something with heat. However - due to the encouraging growth in sales of my Play packs, particularly the Hot Spots! I am now gong to incorporate Colourful Thoughts Paints, Gilding Flake and Jewel Dots in two new Play packs that I will launch mid January ready for the new Creative Stitches Show at Bluewater at the beginning of February.

These multi surface paints are the best I have found for painting all my products but particularly for Bondaweb and Tyvek where you need to dilute the paint but you still need some colour. They have a high metallic content which is great as many of you know I like a bit of sparkle . . .

Which  brings me to the Gilding Flake and Jewel Dots - 

I just LOVE this stuff is makes my happiness complete when I am layering with painted Bondaweb, you will have seen plenty of it previous posts, particularly when I have been layering newspaper. 

I will be making a few changes to the website in January, the home page definitely needs sorting out. I have some time to do some thinking over Christmas and New Year so who knows what I will come up with . . . .

On the subject of never say never - I think I MIGHT have said I was never going to write another book . . .  and  . .  now . . . . mmmm!!  Watch this space!


I hope you are all jingling those bells . . ?


  1. Oh, jingling bells! Sorry my fault, misread it. The doctor says I should be OK by the New Year



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