What a beautiful day . . .

It is going to be a STUNNING day today! The weather is looking Fab and I have a whole day to get all my orders out then I can start to play with the samples I need to make for my new DVD with Colouricious. Oh the joy of being at home - I must make the most of it. I am hoping to do a little sketching later, it is very rare for me to take the time to sit and draw but I seem to surrounded by beautiful flowers at the moment and they are crying out to be looked at, adored and committed to paper. Sometimes photographs just won't do - you really need to LOOK at the shapes and forms . . . . My sister bought me this huge bunch of lilies before I left for Exeter and they are now fully out and look and smell divine, they scent the entire house ( I have a very small house). The only thing I have watch is the pollen, it can be a nightmare as it is a dye, I have tried cutting it off but you lose the lovely contrast of the dark and the light. Nature really does know best. My love...