
New Online Teaching - is (almost) up and running - just a few hours to go . .

The new Sonas Studio logo   Hoorah!!! We have finished the first Sonas Studio online workshop - Manipulating with Heat.  Enrolment starts at midnight tonight (May 21st) If you want to enrol on this then you need to be added to the database by 10pm (UK time) tonight. So email me Only people on the database will be able to access the new workshop for four days then it will go public, and places are limited. Enrollment and payment are from May 22nd (for the database, then it is open to the public from May26th).  The workshop videos go live on June 5th - this gives you two weeks to prepare and collect your tools and materials. Once you have enrolled and paid you will be able to see the welcome video explaining all you will need for the workshop. Me on the first day of filming.  We have had great fun and learned a lot!!! And we are now VERY tired. My colleague Jayne and I have filmed and edited the first two workshops, and wi...

New Zealand 2017 - the final post. A New Starting Point with Taranaki Patchwork and Quilters.

 Torn music and newspaper . . OK, enough with the relaxing and the pure enjoyment of being back home.  I am a tad late posting this last workshop from my New Zealand trip.  I had a fabulous time with this group - some of them were VERY naughty - you all know who you are!! This was the second of 2 x 2 day workshops in Taranaki and most of the group did both workshops. This has become one of most popular workshops. I think it is so loved because what you are making doesn't have to look like anything. Also recycling old papers, maps and magazines is very enjoyable.      Painting the Bondaweb/Vliesofix  Scones and cookies are the thing in New Zealand -  and I am NOT complaining. Once we had painted the Bondaweb/Vliesofix we got to making the first small samples - you learn just as much from making a small sample as a larger one, and you use much less product. I have named the process 'Backgrounds and Prettys'. It is a repeated...

New Zealand 2017 - part the fourth . . Hot Textiles with Taranaki Patchworkers and Quilters, New Plymouth.

 A fabulous painted Bondaweb/Vliesofix sample. Ha ving arrived in New Plymouth , it was straight on with the next 2 workshops. The first 2 day workshop was Hot Texti les and the second was A New Starting Point. So on with Hot Textiles - I have included photos of the products we used so you know what to ask for . Thi s workshop was going to conce n trate on using unpainted and painted Bondaweb/Vliesofix and Lutradur/CS800. Bondaweb/Vliesofix, still my most f avourite product after all these years. CS800 also known as Lutradur, a heavy weight spunbond, and Decovil 1 light, a wonderful leather like, iron-on interfacing After introducing myself to the group and explaining roughly what we would be doing, we got onto painting the Bondaweb/Vliesofix and CS800/Lutradur. It is very important to know how little paint you need to get the correct effect. You don't want the paint to form a barrier.   The group painting the Bondaweb/Vliesofix. While were...