
Showing posts with the label machine embroidery

A New Starting Point - Show and Tell - Saturday March 13th

A fabulous sample by Lynda  The group that were on my first Zoom workshop, A New Starting Point, 2 weeks ago, had their 2 hour Show and Tell yesterday. Again on Zoom. Wow!! what a great group. Such enthusiasm. Whilst Zoom isn't the best thing for a workshop, at the moment, it is the only choice we have. For the Show and Tell it was perfect. 12 students from the UK and Ireland, having a chat over coffee and talking about their work for 2 hours. What a treat it was, for all of us. I wanted to have some  sort of catch up after the Zoom workshops. I always wondered if the students had developed any work from any of my workshops when I used to teach pre covid. Some students were kind enough to send me images, but you never really knew.  With a dedicated catch up, 2 weeks after the workshop, it gives the group a chance to develop their samples, or do more, have a play . .  and have a date to work towards.  Just look at this collection of gorgeousness!!! A New Starting...

Creative Stitches Glasgow

 New samples by Margaret Beal. Well we have had two great days so far at the SECC in Glasgow and we expect to be even busier tomorrow. It is great catching up with friends and meeting all the interested visitors.  I haven't seen Margaret Beal for a while so it is good to catch up with her and hear about her new book that is out this year, which I totally forgot to ask the title of - Duh! Margaret on her stand. Helen McKenna has a very colourful stand full of recycled delights. Helen's new recycled felted dress full of strange and unusual delights . . . Pat Archibald had a beautiful stand full of beautiful quilts and sparkly delights. Caroline Earl is local girl and it is so good to her again. Val Hughes is here with her beautiful felted pieces and an amazing felted dress.   Wendy and Rob  Dolan are here too, I seem to Wendy at more shows around the country than at home and we live in the same town! We are both always tr...

. . even MORE newspaper!

 The 'crashed' newspaper, Bondaweb and Solufleece What! not MORE newspaper - Yep!!! I'm afraid so . . . . I have had a chance to catch up with some work and try some samples I have been wanting to play with. Today's task was to try 'crashing' newspaper with Solufleece. I do it all time with fabrics. (For step by step photos and full instructions go to the Solufleece page on To crash fabric or newspaper you need to layer from the bottom up -  1 layer of Solufleece,  2 layers of Bondaweb off the baking paper your top fabric/newspaper Layer everything up and stitch 'tram lines' about the width of the foot of your sewing machine apart through all 4 layers. You can experiment with different widths and maybe trying wavy lines once you have done your first sample. Being VERY careful not to burn yourself in your excitement - Steam your sample until it shrinks up or 'crashes'. This can be done wi...