Fun and Frolics in the Blue Mountains!

Layers of Vilene Spunbond CS 500 and 800 zapped and layered with polyester organza and mounted on hessian. Phew! what a week - it was very full on what with staying in Katoomba and teaching in Springwood but we coped admirably with lovely students providing lifts. I was staying in a little house with my wonderful friend Mary Hettmansperger who was also teaching and who makes the most beautiful metal jewellery. All the classes for the Contextart Forum were held at Springwood High School or Korowai School . I had 14 students in my class which overlooked the school playing field. Everyone got on very well and all were happy to work on samples rather than make anything considered 'finished'. The group worked well together and we all soon gelled. You can almost hear the cogs turning with concentration. Sulpher Crested Cockatoos wrecking a tree out side our window. I'm afraid I was bit naughty now and ...