The Magnifcent Seven . . .!

all the floral 'journeys' hanging on the wall Hot Textiles - drawing inspiration from the garden - West Dean College One of the very many wonderful things about teaching at West Dean is that they will run a course with low numbers. The maximum for any course is 10 - such a treat and due to cancellations I have seven on my course this week. I am combining design with layers that are to be cut back with a soldering iron. We will be using shapes inspired by the beautiful grounds of West Dean. Today we worked on a floral 'journey' (see pages 20 - 23 Experimental Textiles). The studios are huge and each student has their own bench and power supply - the facilities are really excellent. Esther filling in the spaces of her floral journey The journeys all hanging together on the wall they almost look like one design as they are only black and white. If we had introduced colour it would have lessened the impact. We then moved onto the 'flipping...