ExTex 7th weekend - making 'pretties'.
One of Tracey's fabulous samples. The weekend saw the last ExTex session for this year. The girls have two more sessions, one in January and one in February; then it will be their end of year show at Fashion, Embroidery and Stitch at the NEC in March. - no pressure then girls!! As the last session as full dye recipes and all a bit 'concentrated', I thought it would be good for the the group to decide what they wanted to do this session. The decision was newspaper 'pretties' on Saturday and playing with Vilene Spunbond and transfer dyes on Sunday. They all had a great time throwing around glitter and gilding flake for a day, this is some of what they got up to . . . . The following five images are the basic layered 'pretties' using old dyed and painted newspaper, painted Bondaweb and most things sparkly. Four of the girls tearing and layering their 'pretties', lots of mess and fun. Then the girls started to cre...