
Showing posts with the label tyvek

Quilt Symposium 2019 - Auckland New Zealand

 5 layers of heavy paper Tyvek, layered with polyester organza, machine stitched together and then zapped with a heat gun. The Auckland Quilt Symposium 2019 was a fabulous affair. 30 tutors from near and far taught, I don't know how many, students over 5 days. A remarkable feat of organisation and great fun to be part of. I taught 3 workshops. A New Starting Point, Tinkering with Tyvek and Look, Draw, Print, Stitch. The Symposium was held in a girls school with great facilities. I was given a room in the science block. It was fabulous, my friends Alysn Midgelow Marsden and Jane Callender were teaching in the same block. I had stayed with Alysn for a few days before the Symposium and I hadn't seen Jane since we did the ICHF craft shows in the UK about 7 years ago. It was so good to catch up with her. The rooms were were perfect as they had electric sockets in the floor under the tables and they also had sinks- what more could a girl ask?? The first workshop was a 2 da

Fabulous work from online students.

 A Tyvek and polyester organza corsage by Mo Henderson in France. Online workshop - Manipulating with Heat. A bit of news about the online teaching and how it is going.  Not having taught online before, I wasn't too sure how it would go. Not having a frame of reference, I could only be guided by what other textile tutors are offering.  It has been a steep but generally positive learning curve. We had one or two teething problems on the first workshop, Manipulating with Heat - but judging how a lot of the students are STILL producing work on this workshop, we have got everything right now . . . . . .    A stunning cellophane bead and flower necklace by Mo Henderson. Online workshop - Manipulating with Heat.  As the workshops are based on a fast paced one day workshop, I thought the students enrolled on the workshops would work through the exercises over a few days, maybe a couple of weeks, depending on how much time they had. Well the videos went up on May 2

2 workshops at The Granary Studio and the next online workshop.

A fabulous transfer print. The Granary Studio is a great place to learn new skills and techniques. It is run by Susan Chapman. The studio is well equipped and offers exciting courses - do have a look - My Granary Studio workshops - On Friday the 9th June I taught my 1 day workshop - On the Surface and on the 10th and 11th I taught my Transforming Transfer 2 day workshop. On the Surface is my Bondaweb based workshop. The group also wanted to play with Tyvek, so we had a good play session for the whole day, working with painted Bondaweb, transfer foils, gilding flake and mica flakes - and Tyvek. The first activity was to paint the Tyvek and Bondaweb. It is important to know how thickly to paint both products. If the paint is too thick, the Bondaweb won't stick and the Tyvek won't texture with heat as you are creating a barrier with paint. As the Tyvek dries faster than the Bondaweb, we started with that - learning how to texture and the