
Showing posts with the label bukhara

Do you collect treasures?

A beautiful bowl and vase from The Blue Pottery in Jaipur  I don't often dust . . the housekeeping gene definitely missed me!  But sometimes, when I have time, or I am avoiding doing something else, I dust, and admire and enjoy the many beautiful and colourful artefacts that have traveled home with me from different parts of the world. I am particularly fond of the mementos/trophies that I collected from my 4 textile holidays to Jaipur with Colouricious. What an amazing time we all had together. Lovely long beaded, decorated cords with bells on, hanging in my beaded curtain and on the wall of my lounge.    Small, inexpensive, purchases can bring such delight, even years after, bringing back happy memories of warm, colourful days.   The simple beauty of un fired terracotta lassi cups. I am particularly fond of these lassi cups, they are quite fragile and I was delighted they got back to Ireland in one piece. The yogurt drink lassi is served in the cups and then they are smashed aft