A New Starting Point at The Bridge - Brighton. August 24th - 27th.
My teaching table . . . Scrummy! A New Stating Point is now by far the most popular workshop I have ever developed. It is very satisfying when a workshop 'works' so well. I taught a 4 day version of this at The Bridge Community Education Centre in Brighton. A scant 15 minutes door to door - it is such a treat to teach so close to home. The Bridge is a great place to work and the food is fabulous. More of that later . . . A New Starting Point includes my 'Backgrounds and Prettys' tearing and layering technique and making newspaper faux chenille. Torn and layered book pages with painted Bondaweb and lots of gilding flake. Painted Bondaweb ironed onto newspaper and then printed with a printing block. Simple and very beautiful. A torn and layered sample printed with a spiral printing block. Another torn and layered sample that has been printed. The print has been highlighted in selected areas to give definition. All the commerci...