A beautiful new website

Me outside the studio It's all about trust! I am SO excited. My new website is up and ready for you to see and enjoy. Created by David Kelly of ttps://www.lukewarmvolcano.com . The site has a shop as well as information about my workshops, you can also book on a workshop through the website. So much easier, and you get an idea of how and why I live on the beautiful Loop Head peninsula. Do have a good look around and let me know what you think. www.kimthittichai.com I am particularly excited about the video on the About Kim page. I really don't like being filmed and photographed. Working with someone who is so professional and has a clear idea of what he needed to film to tell the story, made it much easier. It was great to see my property from a different angle and height. Any of you that know me or have worked with me, will know how independent I am and that I hate being managed! After several good long talks about what I wante...