Education is a wonderful thing.

This is 'Robbie the Skelly'. I have just finished a 12 week course - Reading You Local Landscape. What a fabulous time we all had. The joint initiative of Clare County Council, Clare Museum and the Limerick and Clare Education & Training Board (LCETB) Heritage Consultant, Zena Hoctor delivered the practical course which enabled our group to identify, examine and record the heritage features of our own local area through a combination of fieldwork and desk research. Our group (on my birthday), at Kilbridget Burial Ground We had great fun studying the local geology, architecture, archeology, seaweed, history . . and so much more. It was a great luxury to be a student again. Our group are hoping for a follow up course and we feel we have only just begun our research. Fingers crossed. I shall miss the group and it would be good to be able to work together again. My project - A Grave Situation! I became f...